
Happy Halloween Memories

Halloween is always a fun time of the year in my family; more so when the kids were young and we lived in a neighborhood where we knew most of the families. It’s different now for me as I live in an area where kids don’t go trick or treating, and I have no young […]

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Happy Halloween Memories

Some Monday Fun

โ€œSometimes a Bible in the hand of one man is worse than a whisky bottle in the hand of (another)… Someโ€ฆ who so worry about the next world, they’ve never learned to live in this one, and you can look down the street and see the results.โ€ Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird A friend

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Some Monday Fun

The Blessings of Friendships

What would we do without our friends? Next to family members who’ve been so good to me during my lifetime, I’ve treasured my friends the most. Ones I’ve known for a ages and used to see in person a lot many moons ago – before my move and COVID and all the aches and pains

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The Blessings of Friendships

Despicable: To Be or Not to Be

It’s true. I really am turning into the same kind of curmudgeon as my grandfather who used to throw his slippers at the TV or radio when there was some news item that stirred his ire, as well as a few chosen words. That’s the way I’ve felt too often in the last few years

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Despicable: To Be or Not to Be

When Hot is Too Hot

This is a perfect offering from Slim Randles to share on the blog today. It’s roasting here in Texas and has been for several weeks. No rain for several weeks, either, with none in sight. And of course there is no global warming. Sigh… Anyway, it’s too hot to rant about anything, even though the

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When Hot is Too Hot

Hump-Day Humor

Police in my little city are going down the street ticketing cars that are parked on the grass. Not the grass by the street, mind you, where it could be considered a traffic hazard, but the grass in the people’s own yards. Apparently there is some kind of ordinance here that says a car has

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Hump-Day Humor

Monday Morning Musing

Tomorrow it’ll be two weeks since the surgery to repair the rotator cuff in my shoulder. Before the surgery, I was hoping to be doing much better by this point, but I still have quite a bit of recovery to go. I’m sure that has something to do with old bodies and old bones. ๐Ÿ™‚

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Monday Morning Musing

Dare To, Well, Dare

Since yours truly is currently incapacitated – no, not what you’re thinking – although I wish I were just in the shower. I’m having surgery and leaving you in the good hands of my friend, Slim Randles. Also leaving you with incomplete sentences, but maybe you will find them entertaining. Not as entertaining as Slim

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Dare To, Well, Dare

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