
Taking a Sabbatical

While I wish my time away was to be spent at a beautiful, secluded Italian villa where I would finish my latest book in a lovely, peaceful setting, the next couple of weeks, or more, will be mostly spent recovering from hip surgery. I won’t go into all the gory details, but I know the …

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God’s Grace and Humor from Slim Randles

A friend sent me this devotional the other day and it has a good message for us, no matter what God we believe in. The world is royally messed up, and many of us are spinning, emotionally and mentally through that as well as personal challenges. “It is easy to feel fearful and discouraged when …

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Mush You Huskies

It’s the time of the year when dog-sledders get serious about preparing for the annual Iditarod Dogsled Race that starts the first Saturday in March in Anchorage, Alaska. Slim Randles participated in the first race, and today on the blog he’s sharing a memory of a chance encounter in 1974 when folks were gathering to …

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Friday Reads – #Humor from Slim Randles

How did your week go? As planned? Mine did for the most part, and today I have some real brain clarity, so I hope to get some work done on the book I’ve been writing. So glad when my friend, Slim Randles can take over the blog for a day when I’m super busy, and …

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