Open Season

Originally published in hardback by Five Star Cengage/Gale, Open Season is now an e-book  for Kindle  with a brand new cover, designed by the talented, Dany Russell.

Autographed copies can be purchased for gifts by contacting me at maryann I’m happy to inscribe a book and ship it anywhere in the U.S. 

Here’s the book trailer for the Seasons Mystery Series on You Tube. It was created by my son, Paul Miller, who also did the music for it. So happy with the results. Check it out!

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Graphic for the Seasons Mystery Series.  Wordage: Amid racial tensions and the deadly force controversy sweeping the city, Dallas homicide detectives, Saran and Angel, have to decide if they can be partners or not... Open Season book cover. Dark sky with Dallas Skyline and a gun in upper left. Dallas PD badge in lower right.

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 Open Season book cover. Dark sky with Dallas Skyline and a gun in upper left. Dallas PD badge in lower right.


Set against a backdrop of racial tension and deadly force controversy in Dallas, Open Season introduces Sarah Kingsly and Angel Johnson, homicide detectives who are unlikely and unwilling partners. When people start dying in area shopping malls, the detectives find themselves up against a killer who has his own race card to play.

The Dallas Review Board wants Sarah’s badge because she shot a young black boy when the undercover drug operation went bad and her partner was killed. The detectives also wrestle with personal attitudes and feelings about racism and their partnership. They both see the pairing as better PR than policy and Angel’s position is further complicated by her family’s reaction to her working with a white woman.

Their first case, dubbed the Mall Murders, begins with the death of a maintenance worker at one of the Dallas Metroplex shopping malls. A security guard is then killed at another mall. The final murder victim is a young window dresser whose body is left like a mannequin behind the glass of an exclusive boutique at the Galleria Mall.
When Angel realizes that the killer is the father of one of her close friends, she turns to Sarah as a to help bring him in.

In a standoff at the killer’s house, Angel and Sarah become a team as they attempt to talk Alfred out. The SWAT team has their best snipers in position. The media is there with cameras rolling, hoping for a spectacular ending. But Angel and Sarah have decided that nobody should die in this one.


“Try this debut mystery by a journalist for its open treatment of current urban problems, clean prose, and realistic depiction of women working together. For readers who enjoy Robin Burcell and fans of police procedurals.” Library Journal

“Open Season is a solid police procedural with fully developed characters and provocative social issues.” L.J. Sellers, author of the Detective Jackson Mysteries

“Detectives Sarah Kingsly and Angel Johnson are crisply drawn characters. The hard-edged story of racial tension in Dallas could be drawn from today’s headlines. Open Season is a smart, spirited page-turner.” —Bruce Cook – Tommy Gun Tango

“Miller spins a tight tale that’s a cut above the average police procedural in this first of a new series introducing Dallas police detective Sarah Kingsly.” Publisher’s Weekly

“Maryann Miller is a skilled writer, never allowing the ball to drop for even a moment, or for the tension to relax as she weaves intrigue, hard facts, even a touch of romance, the brittle and barbed relationship between two partners that gradually morphs into trust be in this fast paced mystery thriller. Lovers of hard hitting cop mysteries, this series is a definite worth read.” Amazon Review from a reader in India – 2022

“I just finished reading Open Season, which I enjoyed so much, I immediately ordered the second book in the series, Stalking Season. Not long into the story, I found myself quite invested in the relationship of Angel and Sarah and absorbed enough in the case they were working to be actively trying to figure out whodunit! For me, Maryann Miller really hit the mark with the pacing of the story – not so slow that you become frustrated nor too quick to tip her hand. Unfolding at just the right tempo so, before you know it, you’ve moved to the edge of your seat and are staying up late to read “just one more chapter…” I’m also fairly adept at cracking the case in a story and, rather early on, thought I had, but I was mistaken! I was so wrong and I love that in a book! Who wants predictable? That said, I felt the ending played out extremely well. Overall I feel the book was very well written – and got better as it went along. I found the characters and story to be realistic and believable and I really do love a book that offers a large enough cast of characters to make it feel richly layered but not so many that you can’t keep track of who’s who. The book has grit and doesn’t shy away from uncomfortable situations, however, it never resorts to being in any way gratuitous. For me, it’s a win. (Purchased on Amazon France in paperback)” Amie Gabriel 2025

Here is a link to a review on Mysterious Reviews online

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