Book Blog Tour: Since You’ve Been Gone by Tari Faris

      SINCE YOU’VE BEEN GONE Restoring Heritage Series #3 by TARI FARIS  Genre: Fiction / Christian / Contemporary Romance Publisher: Revell Date of Publication: September 7, 2021 – 336 pages Scroll down for giveaway!  With her vision and his know-how, this thing just might work . . .Leah Williams is back in the quaint

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Book Blog Tour: Since You’ve Been Gone by Tari Faris Read More ยป

Book Tour and #Giveaway: Holding on Loosely by Dana Knox Wright

HOLDING ON LOOSELY by DANA KNOX WRIGHT Genre: Narrative Nonfiction / Memoir / Self Help Publisher: Carpenter’s Son / Clovercroft Publishing Date of Publication: August 24, 2021 * 208 pages โ€ฏScroll down for giveaway! Helicopter parents. Control freaks. Perfectionists. Intolerants. Over-consumers. Social media junkies. We all fit in there somewhere. Read one womanโ€™s stories of

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Book Tour and #Giveaway: Holding on Loosely by Dana Knox Wright Read More ยป

Four Facts About Columbus Day

Who else remembers having to recite this poem in school? “In fourteen hundred ninety-two. Columbus sailed the ocean blue. … He sailed by night; he sailed by day;” There was a little ditty we used to sing, too, but I can’t remember it, nor can I find it on the Internet. I’ll be honest, I never was much

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Four Facts About Columbus Day

Book Tour – Once Upon a Camel by Kathi Appelt

ONCE UPON A CAMEL By Kathi Appelt Categories: Middle Grade Fiction / Historical / Friendship / Ages 8-12Publisher: Atheneum / Caitlyn Dlouhy BooksPub Date: September 7, 2021Pages: 336 pages Scroll for the Giveaway! Zada is a camel with a treasure trove of stories to tell. Sheโ€™s won camel races for the royal Pasha of Smyrna,

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Book Tour – Once Upon a Camel by Kathi Appelt Read More ยป

Into the Woods

Slim Randles is making a visit to the blog today with a nice story about hunting. My interest in hunting tends to follow that of Jasper in this story. It’s not that I have anything against hunting, and have even done some in my past, but that was more for the pleasure of being outdoors

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Into the Woods

Finding a New Author

One of the joys, and sometimes a time-suck, of the Internet is starting with one thing that leads to another, then another, sometimes so many places you forgot where you started. Confused? Yeah, so am I. ๐Ÿ™‚ So, this is how it started. I came here yesterday to put a few notes in for today’s

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Finding a New Author

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