
Cover Reveal – Never Trust A Rock Star

COVER REVEAL!!! Title: NEVER TRUST A ROCKSTAR Author: Sarah Darlington Release Date: November 5th Series: The NEVER TRUST Series, Book 1 Yes, please. Sign me up. Emma has always been obsessed with Ollie Mills of the southern rock band, Sunset Revival. She follows his every move on Twitter, likes all his posts on Instagram, and […]

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Books Make Great Gifts

My whole family are avid readers, and we often gift each other with books, especially at this holiday season. It’s an extra bonus when we can get an autographed book, and the ones I have reside on a special shelf in my bookcase. When I moved, almost two years ago now, I had to downsize

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Book Review: Stories We Never Told by Sonja Yoerg

Stories We Never Told Sonja Yoerg File Size: 3144 KB Print Length: 332 pages Publisher: Lake Union Publishing (May 1, 2020) Publication Date: May 1, 2020 Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC Language: English ASIN: B07WCP61XL BOOK BLURB: A suspenseful novel of love, secrets, and obsession Psychology professor Jackie Strelitz thinks she’s over Harlan Crispin,

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Friends Just Want to Have Fun

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest, bringing us another visit down at the Mule Barn Truck Stop. The thing about good friends is, well, you can have fun with them while funnin’ with them. These friends know how to do that in spades. Grab a piece of pie to have with your drink

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All About Books

Good Monday morning. Today the blog will primarily be about books and a great contest. I’ll share some danish as we read along… We writers know the tough work of the business really starts after the hard work of crafting a novel ends and we have to start the marketing. It would be so much

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Another Conspiracy Theory

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest with a fun story from Steve, one of the regulars down at the Mule Barn Truck Stop. When you have coffee with the guys, there’s no telling what stories you’ll run into. I’m always glad that Slim offers them here for our enjoyment. So grab a cup

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#Fridayreads – Some Suggestions From Bouchercon

One of the perks of attending Bouchercon was getting tickets to select four free books from the book bazaar. I was delighted to see books from some authors I’ve enjoyed reading in the past, especially Timothy Hallinan. We’ve been virtual friends for some time, and I’ve read and enjoyed many of his books. It’s hard

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Characters Speak – Guest Post from Michael D. Smith

Grab a cool drink and help me welcome Michael D. Smith as today’s Wednesday’s Guest.  Mike is the author of numerous books, some of which I previewed here last Friday. We should also welcome Colonel Laurie Lachrer who is sharing the spotlight with Michael.  And, oh, there’s a robot. Hang on to your space suit.

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The Real Alice in Wonderland

Cathy Rubin co-author of The Real Alice in Wonderland contacted me recently with an interesting bit of trivia. American Independence Day and Alice in Wonderland share the same birthday. So, I not only share my birthday with my country, I share it with a timeless story. According Cathy, Friday July 4, 1862 is credited with

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