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Down at The Swimming Hole

Ah! I love this essay from Slim Randles, who is today’s Wednesday’s Guest. It reminds me of the swimming hole an uncle in West Virginia took us kids to one summer when we were visiting. I don’t remember a tire swing, but I do remember the deep, crystal clear water and the dead tree at […]

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Book Blog Tour – Landing in my Present by Mary Clark

LANDING IN MY PRESENT by Mary Clark Biography / Aviation / Historical / WWII Publisher: Hellgate Press Date of Publication: June 15, 2020 Number of Pages: 218 Scroll down for the giveaway!   Mary Walker Clark barely knew her father. When he died, he left not only the obvious void every teen would experience, but

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How Hot is It?

This is an older post from Slim Randles, obviously written before the pandemic had us avoiding avoiding restaurants and diners like they were filled with rattlesnakes. But since it is hot, hot, hot here in Texas, the content definitely resonates.  I hope everyone is safe and well. Keep wearing masks and keep social distancing. Support

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New Release – INKED by Sarah Darlington

This is my week to showcase some great books by some writers whose work I enjoy. For the second post today, Monday, here’s some information about a new romance title. Check it out, and then enter the giveaway. NOW LIVE!!! Title: INKED Author: Sarah Darlington Release Date: July 13th   ✓Secret Pregnancy ✓Slow-Burn ✓All the feels AMANDA Men

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Take Me Out to the Ball Game

The news is so depressing, I can’t even read about it anymore, and I’m sure I’m not alone. Between the pandemic, the nonsense that goes on in politics, and the way people in general are verbally and physically attacking others, I’m about to give up on the whole human race. Well, maybe with the exception

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#FridayReads and More

First, Happy Friday everyone. It’s good to be at the end of this week, which has not been one of the better weeks I’ve had recently, and I’m looking forward to a restful weekend. Then, “Come Monday, it’ll be all right.”  If I listen to that song enough times, it might come true. Plus, I

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Another American Tragedy

Before I turn the blog over to Slim Randles for his Wednesday’s Guest post, I just have to take a moment to stop and remember George Floyd, the man who was so callously killed by a Minnesota police officer on Monday. Floyd was being arrested as a suspect in a forgery case, and after he

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Memorable May Evenings

Please help me welcome Slim Randles as my Wednesday’s Guest. He’s here today with another thoughtful piece about Spring and how some of the folks that frequent the Mule Barn Truck Stop are enjoying pleasant evenings in May. It’s been pleasant here in my corner of the world, too. Evenings and early mornings have been

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