Special Picnics

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest with a thoughtful piece about shyness and friendships. We have all had moments of being extremely shy – well some of us – and maybe feeling so awkward that we could hardly say a word. But maybe not to the extreme of Richard. I hope you enjoy his story, and since he is at a picnic, perhaps we can join him. There’s lots of good food here.

It was the kind of picnic he’d remember for quite a while, he knew. It didn’t take place at the village park, where folks would normally go, but down along Lewis Creek. There weren’t any tables there, or fire rings, or restrooms. It was just a grassy patch down along the creek.

But when the Delgado family invited him to the picnic, he accepted and bought some soda pop for the kids. Jaime Delgado spread the blanket out and his wife, Maria, opened the basket.

The kids were called back from tossing rocks in the creek. It was almost like having a family of his own. He hadn’t had one for years now, and, at 35, he missed having someone in his life. But he just didn’t know what to say to people.

He wanted to, but every time he tried to join the conversation, he locked up. This made it very difficult to get to know people, of course, but he kept trying. He went to counseling once. But only once. She was a nice lady, but she kept asking personal questions, and he decided he didn’t really want to answer them.

It had cost him $75, but at least he could cross that off his list. It wasn’t for him. But what really was for him?

Ever since high school, he had had nightmares about having to stand up and talk to the class. And he never had. The teachers didn’t understand and gave him low grades accordingly, but at least at the home they didn’t bother him about it.

“Enjoying yourself?” Maria asked him.

He smiled and nodded.

“Have another sandwich. There’s plenty.”

He looked at her and said “Thank you.”

Why was that so hard?

“New in town, right?” Jaime asked.

He nodded.

“Well, you’ll make friends soon enough. It’s nice having you here. What’s your name?”

He swallowed, then said, “Richard.”

“Here’s to Richard,” said Maria, raising her bottle of soda.

Yes. It was the kind of picnic he’d remember for a long time.


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If you like these offerings from Slim that I post here on my blog, you will enjoy his book:  Home Country; Drama Dreams and Laughter from America’s Heartland, that is a compilation of his nationally syndicated column, “Home Country.” This is a wonderful book that is a joy to keep on the coffee table to read and read again.

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Don’t forget to enter the contests to win some great prizes

The Mega Multi-Genre eBook Contest has 180 authors participating in the giveaway, which means lots and lots of prizes.

The grand-prize winner gets a copy of all the books from all the authors. 180 books!!!

I am sponsoring the event with my suspense novel, One Small Victory, and you could win that along with many other books.


I’m also sponsoring another contest with my mystery, Open Season, The prizes in this one includes free books, gift cards and a Kindle Fire or a Nook. Both are easy to enter, not a lot of hopping around a website or going from site to site, and who know, maybe you could win. Here is a link to enter the Mega Spring Bundle of Crime Thrillers.


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