Go Fly a Kite

Slim Randles and friends are here to entertain us today as Wednesday’s Guests. Kite flying was one of my favorites past times as a kid. I can remember how hard we worked to get the kites airborne, running and running and running until we thought our lungs would burst and our legs gave out. But the thrill of seeing our kite fly higher and higher, maybe the highest of all, was worth all the effort.

Did you like to fly kites when you were a kid? Did you make your own? We often did as we could not afford to buy a ready-made kite. I was pleased to discover a site on the Internet with step-by-step instruction on how to make a kite. So, if you want to go outside and have some fun, you can “go fly a kite,” which isn’t my polite way of saying F-off. LOL

But before you go outside to play, grab a cup of coffee and join the gang as they reminisce about their kite-flying days. Enjoy….


“Kids got the kites up this morning down at the schoolyard,” Dud said, slipping into his chair and flipping his coffee mug to the upright and fillable position in one smooth move.

Doc nodded and spread jam on his toast. He likes grape.“Any special shapes this year?”

“Didn’t see any,” Dud said. “Same old diamond shapes, mostly.”

“Now back when I was a kid,” Herb chimed in, “we had box kites, too. Sometimes…”

Doc grinned. “Never could make one of them. Too complicated. Just got those diamond ones, because they came almost ready to fly.”

“Saw on TV the other day,” Dud said, “they got these kites over in China that look like dragons. Real long boogers, you know. Wonder how they get those things in the air.”

“Ever notice how you never see anyone on TV flying kites in Iceland?” Steve said. Steve has never been to Iceland, but he’d sure like to go. He reads up on it. A lot. “Wind blows over there in Iceland all the time.”

“I heard that, too,” Dud said.

“It might be,” said Doc, “that people in Iceland are too busy working to fly kites.”

“Could be that,” Steve agreed. “Do you realize there aren’t any dinosaur fossils in Iceland?”

He waited. No one asked.

“The reason for that,” he said, “is that the dinosaurs died off before Iceland was born.”

Loretta came by with the coffee pot. “How you boys doing today?”

“Better than the folks in Iceland, I guess,” Steve said. “Doc says they have to work all the time.”

Having coffee at the Mule Barn on any given morning can be an unusual educational experience.


Brought to you by Packing the Backyard Horse by Slim Randles Available on Amazon.com

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Home Country is now a radio program in 17 states. Have a listen at www.homecountrydemo.com/

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Slim Randles writes a nationally syndicated column, “Home Country” that is featured in 380 newspapers across the country. He is also the author of a number of books including  Saddle Up: A Cowboy Guide to Writing. That title, and others, are published by  LPD Press. If you enjoy his columns here, you might want to check out the book Home Country. It features some of the best of his columns.


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