I couldn’t believe it when I turned on the Today Show this morning and there was an interview with a woman who was explaining what Hillary Clinton’s tears meant on the eve of the New Hampshire primary. I couldn’t believe it. Another story about the emotional display. I thought we’d pretty well exhausted that topic


Merry Christmas

I know the politically correct thing to say at this time is Happy Holidays, lest we offend someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but I feel like being a rebel today. Besides that, I don’t get the least bit offended when someone says Happy Hanukka or Happy Kwanzaa. Those wishes mean something special to the folks

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Free Speech

A couple of weeks ago, Steve Blow, a columnist for the Dallas Morning News, wrote about how attitudes have changed toward war protestors since right after 9/11. In that first year after the tragedy anyone who questioned the president and the war in Iraq was considered unpatriotic, and as Steve put it, “Back then, dissent

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