
I must say I enjoyed yesterday’s Super Bowl more than I have others in recent history. Unless the Cowboy’s play, I usually don’t care a whole lot who wins, but yesterday I was pulling for the Cardinals. There was something endearing about the fact that halfway through the season they were the last team anyone

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The Day After

Just like the changing of the year from one to the next, the changing of a presidential name takes some time to get used to. Several times today as I was updating with news, I had to stop and remind myself to write “President Obama” as opposed to “President Bush”. I suppose in time

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Making History

Tomorrow is an exciting day in history as we witness the swearing in of our new president, Barack Obama. It marks a great milestone for Americans, some of whom refused to let an African American into a school, let alone 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. That we have come this far is a great testament to the

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