On Monday I won’t be watching the inauguration ceremonies. Not just because I am heartsick at who is being sworn in, I haven’t watched many of those for a long time. Why when my patriotism has only slipped in recent years?
I think the money spent on all that pomp is money wasted. And especially now because of where we are economically. Do we really need to spend millions and millions of dollars that could be used to help people for all of that?
The inaugural committee has raised $170 million to cover the costs of the events and the parties and formal balls associated with this inauguration. Most of that money has come from large donations by the billionaires and trillionaires who are currying favor with the new administration and now have so much power in America.
Sadly, I don’t think any of them really care about the people who couldn’t afford to attend any of the events. Of course, people don’t have to fork out any money to stand at the curb to watch the parade, and there are free tickets to the swearing-in ceremony for those few thousand that are lucky enough to snag one. Those with enough dollars, and desire, can purchase tickets through venders for prices up to $500.
Ticket to the various balls vary in price, and when travel and hotel costs are added up, well, not many folks have that kind of money.
I know it’s important to take special note of this time-honored moment in time when we have a transfer of power, but, I repeat, do we need to spend millions to do that?
Okay, that’s enough of that not so happy topic. Slim Randles is here to share a story that will make you smile. It made me smile.
It’s Tuesday afternoon at two, which means Clarice Devon is on her way to the Curl Up ‘N Dye beauty salon. It’s as predictable as the sun coming up or the price of bread increasing. Tuesday. Two. Clarice.
“Clarice!” yells Fran. “Ready to be beautiful?”
“Sure,” she says. “I enjoy lost causes..”
Clarice Devon is one of our angels. She’s one of the few people in town who will tolerate old people and shut ins, and she not only takes care of them, but seems to relish it as well.
During the rinse, Fran asks her if she’s the one taking care of Mr. Gavin since his stroke. Clarice nods.
“So, what’s he like to work with these days?”
“It’s a now-and-then situation,” Clarice says. “You know … now and then?”
“I don’t understand. You mean it’s part time?”
“Nope. Full time. But it’s now and then.”
Fran looks puzzled.
Clarice laughs. “It’s like this,” she says, imitating old Mr. Gavin’s voice. “Now, when you finish getting me my tea, I’d like a custard, but I’d like it in a glass bowl. A small glass bowl. Then I want you to call and see if my pills are ready. Now if they are, could you pick them up? Then, while you’re there, I want to try that toothpaste they talk about on television.”
Now it’s Fran’s turn to chuckle. “Now and then, huh?”
“Yup. Now and then.” Clarice smiles as she’s attacked by curlers.
Brought to you by Whimsy Castle, by Slim Randles.
That’s all from me for today folks. Need to finish some editing for a client, then decide what I’ll do for the weekend. One of my daughters is coming to spend part of Saturday with me and we may do some quilting. Perhaps I’ll even do more on Sunday.