Another Conspiracy Theory

Slim Randles is here as today’s Wednesday’s Guest with a fun story from Steve, one of the regulars down at the Mule Barn Truck Stop. When you have coffee with the guys, there’s no telling what stories you’ll run into. I’m always glad that Slim offers them here for our enjoyment.

So grab a cup of coffee and read on…


“Did you read the paper from the city today?” asked Steve.

The rest of us shook our heads. Most everything pertaining to us occurs on the pages of the Valley Weekly Miracle or is deliberately excluded for the same reason.

“I’ve been following that flat story, you know,” Steve said, nodding yes to Mavis for a coffee refill. “Haven’t heard how that went yet.”

“Flat story?” asked Doc.

“Yeah. You know them guys who think the earth is flat and went to Antarctica to prove it?”

“You’re kidding.”

“No. Really. They said those pictures of earth from satellites and astronauts and the moon was all faked by Hollywood so people wouldn’t know the truth. They swear the earth is flat and that if you go to Antarctica, you can find where the earth ends and I guess you can fall off into space or something.”

“That’s ridiculous,” said Doc.

“You ever been to Antarctica, Doc?”


“Me neither. Always sounded too dang cold a place to have much fun there. But them flat earth folks just had to go.”

“And if they fall off,” asked Herb. “What then?”

“Then I think I’ll order breakfast.” Steve grinned.

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Brought to you by Merrick Pet Care  in Hereford, Texas. “We know it’s not just food in that bowl, it’s love. And that’s why it has to be the best.”

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Check out all of Slim’s award-winning books at, and in better bookstores and bunkhouses throughout the free world.

All of the posts here are from his syndicated column, Home Country that is read in hundreds of newspapers across the country. I am always happy to have him share his wit and wisdom here.

Slim Randles is a veteran newspaperman, hunting guide, cowboy and dog musher. He was a feature writer and columnist for The Anchorage Daily News for 10 years and guided hunters in the Alaska Range and the Talkeetna Mountains. A resident of New Mexico now for more than 30 years, Randles is the prize-winning author of a dozen books, and is host of two podcasts and a television program. 

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