Resolutions? Goals? Or Hopes?

 While I may change up some things on the blog this year, Wednesday’s will still be devoted to guests, whether that be an author interview or a guest post. As always, I love that humorist Slim Randles continues to share his wit and wisdom with us. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back and enjoy…

irish coffee

Annette George, owner of the Soup ‘R Market, picked up the list of her New Year’s resolutions:

  1. Replace cracked glass on the meat cooler.
  2. Walk two miles each morning before work.
  3. Lose 15 pounds by summer.
  4. Take a class in Spanish.

She thought about the kind of person she’d be at this time next year with all those things done, and it made her smile. Then she looked out the window at the snow and crossed off number two. “Each morning” was just too … too, inflexible. It’s always best, she thought to make promises you can keep.

Annette tapped her teeth with the pencil.

The Spanish class was in the city, and with gas prices being what they are … well, she could always pick up a Spanish grammar book at the Read Me Now bookstore. Number 4 reluctantly had a line drawn through it.

You know, that glass has been cracked on the meat cooler for six years now, and it has never caused any kind of health threat. So the line up the glass causes a slight distortion as a shopper looks at a pork chop. So what? And have you seen what they get to replace that glass?

The pencil drew again, slowly but deliberately.

This left number three: lose 15 pounds by summer. This is one she will not scratch off. She remembers sitting by the swimming hole on Lewis Creek last summer watching the kids swimming. Next summer, she’ll swim with them. She will lose those 15 pounds. How? Well, by … eating better. Sure. Maybe one of those chocolate milkshake supplements each morning. Well, better not say each morning, but … whenever, you know.  And walking. How much? Who knows? But walking.

Yes. Walking. Losing 15 pounds. By summer. She smiled and decided to celebrate with a candy bar. Only one, of course.

Life is good.


Listen to the Home Country gang (even Windy Wilson) on


If you enjoy Slim’s posts here, you would really like his book, which is a compilation of columns he’s written through the years.










Don’t forget to check out the new audio version of Boxes For Beds. I have coupons for a FREE copy in exchange for a review. Message me for your coupon.

Lastly, there are still a few more days to enter the contest being held at The Kindle Book Review. A number of authors have come together to sponsor this event, and my mystery, Open Season, is one of the featured books. You can win one of several prizes including Kindles and Amazon gift cards. The contest is supporting The Salvation Army, so if you purchase a sponsor’s book, a donation will be made to the charity. How cool is that? No purchase necessary to enter the contest, though, and it runs through January 11.

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2 thoughts on “Resolutions? Goals? Or Hopes?”

  1. This sounds like the way I used to do New Year’s resolutions. I gave it up, but this year on my blog I did resolve not to do some things….like skydiving. It was a fun exercise. I was able to list ten things “not to do” and I’m very confident I will succeed this time.

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