Book Review – The 2 Day a Week Diet Cookbook by Ruth Glick and

The 2 Day a Week Diet Cookbook
Nancy Baggett and Ruth Glick
File Size: 6006 KB
Print Length: 251 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Light Street Press (January 11, 2014)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English

Even if you don’t do the 2 Day A Week diet, this cookbook has great recipes that will help you cut down on calories if you want to take a more traditional approach to weight loss, or just simply want to eat healthier. I found a number of recipes I am eager to try: Baked Apples and Guilt-Free Chile just to name a couple. For those doing the 2 Day diet, the book has menu plans for the dieting days, a helpful list of ingredients to have on hand for meal preparations, and suggestions for how to handle the “snack attack.”

The diet plan is to eat normal meals five days out of the week, then on two days, which you can choose and alternate week to week, you eat 500 calories total.  Men can eat 600 calories on the diet days.

Soups, salads, main dishes, sandwiches, desserts and snacks are all covered in separate chapters with enough recipes to keep the weekly menus varied. And that is another bonus to the book. The authors provide menus for the two days of really cutting down on calorie intake. Most of the recipes are gluten-free, so this book will be helpful for those folks abstaining from glutens.

There are 75 quick and easy recipes and 50 beautiful photographs. All of the recipes have clear and  simple-to-follow instructions, and there is plenty of encouragement for sticking to the diet. The authors have done numerous other cookbooks, and that expertise shows in a well-written and lovely new cookbook.

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3 thoughts on “Book Review – The 2 Day a Week Diet Cookbook by Ruth Glick and”

  1. I made the potato and cauliflower salad for lunch today, paired w/ skillet sauteed Brussels sprouts and garlic. I started the Brussels sprouts in the microwave to speed the cooking. A yummy lunch, and all vegetarian.

  2. I love Brussels sprouts sauteed in garlic. Actually, I love almost any vegetable cooked with garlic. As one of my sons says, “You can never have too much garlic.”

    I’ll have to check out that potato and cauliflower salad.

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