Hard Lesson Learned

Slim Randles and his pals at the Mule Barn Truck Stop are back as today’s Wednesday’s guests. Please make them feel welcome. For refreshments today, I have some pie to go with my iced tea. Help yourself to a slice. It’s virtual so it is endless. You can have coffee with your pie if you want, but it is too dang hot here for coffee, unless it’s an iced mocha, and I don’t think they serve that at the truck stop. Enjoy…..

It was lunchtime at the sale barn on the edge of town and the guys were milling around. They didn’t really want to eat there, as the regular cook had a family emergency in the next state, so it was a substitute named Leroy and the guys knew that everything Leroy cooked tasted like toast.

So they milled around, kicking dirt clods, inspecting the livestock coming up for the afternoon bidding, and pretending they were maybe someday going to buy something. Their dogs were there, of course: Steve’s two cowdogs, Doc’s Egyptian shepherd, Ramses (he makes pyramids in the backyard), and Billy, the official town dog.

This isn’t Billy, or Ramses, but what a happy dog face. This is my dog, Poppy, waiting for me to throw the ball.


“Steve, what’s the name of that guy who used to walk around in the bleachers yelling ‘Ho!’ every time someone wanted to bid?”

“Oh,” said Steve. “You mean that really good-looking kid?”

“Yes,” said Doc. “Haven’t seen him around for maybe a month now.”

“Quit,” said Steve. “He decided he was too stupid to work here.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Nope. One day he was clowning around and twisted a mule’s tail.”

Steve grinned.

“Ain’t as pretty as he used to be, but he’s a bunch smarter.”

Home Country features the best country and cowboy music of yesteryear. http://starworldwidenetworks.com/index.php/musicstarworldwide


Home Country the book is a great collection of columns from Slim, written over a number of years. Some are funny, some are thoughtful, and all are fun to read.


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