Best Lines From The Dr Pepper Prophecies

Today I’m pleased to have Jennifer Gilby Roberts as Wednesday’s Guest. She is celebrating the one-year anniversary of the release of her novel, The Dr Pepper Prophecies, and there are all kinds of fun and prizes to be had. I reviewed the book last October, and I am happy to help her celebrate the anniversary. I thought it was a novel idea – pardon the pun – to celebrate the release date of a book, so I was glad to be invited to the party. No party would be complete without refreshments, so let’s all grab a Dr. Pepper and visit with Jennifer.

If you don’t want to drink a Dr Pepper, you can have a piece of Dr Pepper cake instead. Or both. (smile)

Image Courtesy of Amy Johnson at her blog She Wears Many Hats where you can find a recipe for the cake.

Hi, Maryann, and thanks for the lovely review you did for my book, and how nice of you to serve us all some Dr Pepper and that amazing cake. 

When I wrote The Dr Pepper Prophecies, what I wanted most was to make people laugh. You can’t always manage that, because everyone has a slightly different sense of humour.  But many reviewers have commented that particularly scenes and lines in the book made them smile and sometimes howl with laughter. So, I think I achieved my goal. 

When Maryann reviewed it, she said, “I wanted to highlight the many funny moments and cute phrasing that made me smile.  Had I done so, I would have highlighted half of the book.”  Even in the more serious bits, some lines have managed to strike a chord with readers.  I’d like to share some of the best lines from the book:

The one most highlighted by readers:
“Chocolate is God’s way of saying sorry to women for giving them men.”
The one that captures the essence of the quarter-life crisis:
“I don’t know what I want,’ I say despondently.  ‘I only know that I don’t have it.”

The one that reveals the problem with the chick flick fantasy:
“Sometimes I think how much nicer it would be if my life were a movie.  Although, I’d prefer it to last longer than two hours.”
The one about the difficulties of explaining where babies come from:
“A thought occurs to me. ‘I don’t suppose your mother went in for safe sex lectures, did she?’ I ask. I remember my mother trying to explain it to me.  The memory continues to surface no matter how hard I try to suppress it.  She began by explaining that babies start as seeds and every woman had a special place inside her to plant them in – sort of like a grow bag.  It went downhill from there.”

The one that one reviewer felt was deeply philosophical:
“There are too many hills in my life.”

The one Maryann liked the best:
“I’ve slipped into denial now.  I’ve always liked denial.  The sky is always blue and there’s never a queue at the post office.”

If you’ve already read The Dr Pepper Prophecies, do you have a favourite line?  If you haven’t, read on for a giveaway!
To celebrate The Dr Pepper Prophecies’ one-year anniversary since publication, Jennifer Gilby Roberts is giving away one paperback and five ebook copies!  Enter on Rafflecopter.  You can also find out about her other great celebration offers, giveaways, and extras on her blog.

About the Book

25-year-old Mel Parker has a few tiny problems:
·    Her job is terrible
·    She’s been dumped yet again
·    Her ex is now her boss
·    Her parents think she’s a loser compared to her perfect younger sister
·    All her efforts to improve her life seem doomed to failure
·    Her best friend, Will, is in grave danger of being stolen away by his evil girlfriend
·    There just isn’t enough chocolate in the world to make up for the above.
So what do you do when you’ve pretty much given up on your own life? Help others, of course!

After all, what’s the worst that can happen?
Buy for Kindle or in paperback on, and other Amazon sites.  The paperback is also available from Barnes & Noble.

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7 thoughts on “Best Lines From The Dr Pepper Prophecies”

  1. Jennifer, I have not made the cake before, but I have eaten it. It is yummy. Don’t tell the Dr Pepper folks, but you can get a similar moistness and flavor by using a cola instead of Dr Pepper. I have also known folks to add a cup of mayonnaise to the batter for moistness.

    It’s been so long since I’ve made a cake, I haven’t tried any new recipes in ages. I think it’s about time I do that. 🙂

  2. Oh my gosh! I know I will LOVE this book! Maryann, thanks so much for highlighting Jennifer’s book. She sounds like my kind of writer! I’m going to go see about the Giveaway now, too. Great to meet you, Jennifer!

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