Friday’s Odds and Ends


       Happy Valentine’s Day

Do you have special plans for the day – evening? I’m glad I have play rehearsal tonight so I won’t  be alone.

Today is the last day for the sale at Untreed Reads where all romance titles are discounted 30% off. All categories of romance from sweet to sexy are offered, including my romance novel, Play It Again, Sam.  One of my favorites from Laura Parker, Rose of the Mists, is also part of this sale.

Have you been watching the Olympics? What are your favorite events in the winter games? Figure skating is always high on my list, as well as the ice-dancing. I always get a bit nostalgic, remembering when I used to do a bit of figure skating, and my brother and I would dance on roller skates at the neighborhood rink.  Those were good times.

Coverage of the events has included the complaints about conditions at event venues not being optimum, especially during the slopestyle snowboarding competition. Apparetnly accomodations for the athletes have not been optimum either. The following notice was given to the Olympics volunteers and staffers in Sochi: “Due to an extreme shortage of pillows for athetes who unexpectedly arrived to Olympic Village in the mountains, there will be a transfer of pillows from all apartments to the storehouse on 2 February 2014.”

Huh? They weren’t expecting the athletes?  If it’s not too late, I have a few pillows to share.

Photo Courtesy of Alaska Sleep Clinic

The other day I heard a comment aimed toward politicians, “Remember, you are running for something not against someone, so you don’t have to get ugly.”

Someone ought to make a banner out of that and send it to every campaign headquarters to be prominently displayed. Campaigning has gotten increasingly ugly year after year, and right now I am getting so tired of hearing politicians in TX talk about “how they will fight Obama.” I know plenty of people don’t like him, specially here in TX, but could we please stop portraying him as the enemy? At the very least you could respect the office, and contrary to what some folks might think, he is not “waging a war on Texas.” So politicians need to stop saying, “I will win the war against Obama.”

Please stop.

I will vote for the first candidate for any Texas office who does not include the president’s name in his or her campaign ad.

Now to end on a lighter note.  “Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they’re looking for ideas.” ~Paula Poundstone

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2 thoughts on “Friday’s Odds and Ends”

  1. Civil discourse based on facts. That’s an idea for politics. Things have gotten so rude.

    As for growing up, I have been forced to – but I don’t have to like it, do I?

    Now that the kids are out of the house (most of the time), I may be regressing to just pleasing myself. Lovely thought.

    Facing more snow here in NJ – 3rd storm this week. Weatherpeople: this is NOT Montana. There shall be a special circle in the underworld for those plow drivers who seem to delight in filling a laboriously cleared driveway with the snow from the whole street.


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