Monday Morning Musings

This will be a short post as I still have company today. My daughter, Dany, came to go to the art fair with me yesterday. We had a grand time visiting with artists we’d met back in October and meeting new friends. Two ladies who are just beginning to write stories stopped by my table and it was so energizing to share in their excitement of becoming writers. Sometimes we get so caught up in the business of books and publishing, we forget about that excitement. It was so nice to be reminded.

I do hope you will come back Wednesday, when Margo Collins will be my guest. I reviewed her book, Waking Up Dead a couple of weeks ago here on It’s Not All Gravy, and she is going to introduce us to some of her favorite urban fantasy series.  I was surprised at how much I enjoyed her book, even though I am not fond of paranormal, so maybe I might venture out of my reading comfort zone.

In closing, I want to share a quote that a friend sent to me today:  Since this is the season of PEACE on EARTH  and love one another…I found this Pablo Casals quote quite appropriate……

Say to your children, “Do you know what you are? You are a marvel. You are unique. In all the world, there never has been a child like you. And when you grow up, can you then harm another who is like you, a marvel? You must cherish one another. You must work…we must ALL work…to make this world worthy of its children.”

Amen to that. 

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2 thoughts on “Monday Morning Musings”

  1. That is a beautiful quote – and so true: each of our children is a one-time opportunity, a marvelous gift we are to cherish and rear to appreciate herself and her world and the people she shares it with.

    Thank you for sharing it.

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