Friday’s Odds and Ends

First off today is a wonderful bit of wisdom regarding the debate about the mosque and Ground Zero. Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, who would be the spiritual leader of the mosque, was recently  quoted as saying the clash is not between Christians and Muslims. “The real battle that we must wage together today is not between Muslims and non-Muslims. It is between moderates of all the faith traditions. We must not let the extremists, whatever their faith, whatever their political persuasion, hijack the discourse….”


I’m a Plugger. I have no idea who this Lady Gaga is and what is the deal about the meat dress?

AWARD – Carol Kilgore from Under the Tiki Hut presented me with the Versatile Blogger Award.  It is quite an honor to receive this award and according to the rules I am supposed to tell seven things about me and then pass the award on. Carol, who shares my inclination to be a rule-breaker, decided to share seven things about her writing. She also gave us permission to mix-up the rules any way we want, so I am going to share some things about my cats. I might get to seven and I might not.
       1. Little John, who is definitely not so little anymore, thinks he is king. The rest of the cats defer to him, so maybe he is right.
       2. Shadow, new kitty on the block, has given up on trying to make friends with the other cats and plays with the dog.
       3. Orca is a pig. He sits like a vulture while the other cats are eating, just waiting for the leftovers.
       4. Orca is also a great hunter. The other day he got that gopher that was tearing up my pasture.
       5. We only have one cat that we got on purpose.
       6. Misty, the matriarch of the herd – is that the proper term? – tolerates the other cats, but really wishes she lived alone.

Now I will pass this on to a few of my blogger friends. Tracy Farr at I’m Just a Guy  because I think he will have the most fun with breaking the rules. Mary at Giggles and Guns because she, too, will have a twist on the rules. Don’t you just love the name of her blog? A new blogger friend, Alex, at Breakfast Every Hour . You can really tell I like blogs with unusual names.

Lastly, I am a guest today at Elaine Cantrell’s Blog  where I am interviewed by the central character in my upcoming release, Open Season. Since Robin Spano and I are still debating whose idea this type of interview was, I am going on record as saying I did this one for Elaine looonnngggg before Robin did hers. Just sayin…
Elaine’s blog has lots of links to interesting sites and articles about the publishing business and is a nice place to visit.

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12 thoughts on “Friday’s Odds and Ends”

  1. Soon as I hit Publish Your Comment, I thought of something else. You’re probably not old enough to remember this, Maryann, but I remember having two paper dresses when I was a wee child. Don’t know if they were made from the real Yellow Pages, but that’s what it looked like they were made from. You wore them a time or two, then threw them away. (The meat dress brought that memory to mind.)

  2. I know she wore the dress to function but wouldn’t you be worried about being eaten by animals (or even a stupid human attention-getter)? Picture it folks.
    With thoughts like that you ask about a name like Giggles and Guns?

    Thanks for the award and you so know rules have no influence unless they belong to a publisher, right?

  3. I can’t believe Lada Gaga would wear a meat dress which comes from an animal when she will not eat meat that comes from an animal. Saw the dress and it looked like
    —– !

  4. Helen, I know we are about the same age. I would even guess I am a bit older and I do not remember paper dresses. I had paper dolls that had paper dresses, but I never had one.

    Mary, of course the rules were made to be broken. Why do you think you are one of the people I sent the award to. LOL

  5. Congratulations on your award and the recipients.

    I loved reading about your cats. We have two rescues: Roo and Kitty Boss.

    I loved the quote you posted. It is the extremists we need to watch out for, not just in religious matters.

    Me, I’m a live and let choose kind of person….

    Hope you’re having a great weekend!

  6. Congratulations on your award and the recipients.

    I loved reading about your cats. We have two rescues: Roo and Kitty Boss.

    I loved the quote you posted. It is the extremists we need to watch out for, not just in religious matters.

    Me, I’m a live and let choose kind of person….

    Hope you’re having a great weekend!

  7. Glad you liked reading about the cats. Most people do seem to enjoy that. And it is easier for me to write about something other than myself. It was refreshing to read recently that Joe Camp has the same hesitation about talking about himself. Of course, he can hire publicists to toot his horn. LOL

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