Let’s all be Mellow

I thought after slamming HOAs and talking about road rage, it would be a good idea to focus on something pretty and relaxing.

In Texas we have some of the most spectacular cloud formations I have ever seen. And the sky can go on forever, giving this amazing “postcard” view of the clouds. At sunrise and sunset, the colors can take your breath away.

Last night, as I was coming home from picking up some hay, I almost ran off the road when I saw the clouds along the eastern horizon. Of course, by the time I got home and ran in to get my camera, some of them had dissipated. Plus I didn’t have the same vantage point I did when I was on a high point in the road. Not to mention the problem of  the trees that tend to get in the way. But I did get some shots and I hope you enjoy them.

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10 thoughts on “Let’s all be Mellow”

  1. Gorgeous — I snapped a sunset picture from our deck last night (Colorado mountains). It’s on my Facebook page, for anyone who’s interested. They say this is a direct link, but I don’t really know if it’ll work.

  2. Oh how pretty! I do like it when people post pictures of the world where they live – especially when it is totally different to where I call home.

  3. I agree with you. Texas has such a big sky. I think it has to do with our shorter trees and, in central TX, the hills. You can see for miles and miles. Of course, when a storm comes in, it’s a bit scary since the sky gets so dark.

    Love the photos.

    Straight From Hel

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