Book Review – Waking up Dead by Margo Collins

Waking up Dead
Margo Collins
File Size: 4126 KB
Print Length: 214 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Solstice Shadows Publishing (November 11, 2013)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

Product description from Amazon: “When Callie Taylor died, she expected to go to heaven—or maybe hell. Instead, when she was murdered in Dallas by some jerk with a knife and a bad-mommy complex, she went to Alabama. Now she’s seen another murder, and she can’t just let it go; she must find a way to make sure the police figure out who really killed Molly McClatchy before an innocent man goes to prison, all the while trying to determine how and why she woke up dead in Alabama.”

It was that description that prompted me to get this book. I don’t normally read paranormal. In fact, I avoid it most of the time, but there was something intriguing about this premise, and when I read the first few pages and met Callie, I was hooked. Callie is funny, smart, and her sarcasm has just the right edge. This whole “being a ghost” thing is so new to her, she has trouble adjusting to the limitations, as well as the advantages, and it was fun to go along with her as she learned about this new life, er, non-life.

In her efforts to find the killer, Callie is aided by a few people who can see her; Ashara and her grandmother Maw-Maw, and Stephen. These are wonderful supporting characters and add their own brand of humor and sarcasm to the story. Maw-Maw is the kind of grandmother everybody would like to have, loving and doting, and Ashara could be anybody’s girlfriend, even Stephen’s.

There is a hint at the end of the story that this could be the first book in a series, and perhaps these characters will return to solve another mystery. If so, I’d come along for another ride with them.

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