Friday Read – Excerpt From a New Book

This is what greeted me yesterday morning when I walked into my kitchen to start breakfast. Guess who got breakfast first. 🙂 Actually all the cats routinely eat before I do. BC is the feral backyard cat that I’ve been slowly getting acclimated to human touch, and he does get food after I’ve fed my two senior girls inside.

A grey tabby cat looking through the window in a door from outside. Wordage: Hello, anyone there? I'm hungry.

You know that old cliché about the best laid plans and all that? I seem to bring out that tired old phrase a lot for a variety of reasons – because it just fits anything that disrupts our carefully designed plans. Sometimes the disruption isn’t pleasant, but there are occasions when something exciting blows up my life, like when a new story idea pops into my head when I least expect it. Or even want it, to tell the truth. I keep thinking I’m done with this writing game. Finished. Out the door.

But then…

These people that live in my head decide they aren’t done talking to me and I’m not done writing. At least according to them.

The most recent iteration of that happened recently when I was at my son’s house for an overnight visit. I was taking a short nap the next day – or at least that was my intent, when Jenny, from the One Small Victory series mentally shook me and said, “Why don’t we do another book. This one could be about Alicia becoming a cop.”

Wait a minute. She never even hinted that she wanted to do that.

“Well, I think she is now. Wouldn’t that be cool?”

Aren’t you afraid for her? After all you’ve been through?

“Duh, Maryann. You’re a mom. You know I would be. But, she’s a grown woman now. Gotta do her own thing. So? We gonna do this or not?”

Okay. Okay. Just give me a minute to get out of this comfy recliner, grab some coffee, and see what can happen.

Words and ideas did happen, so even though I thought the series was finished with the third book, there might be another one coming. And heaven help me if Angel and Sarah start talking to me again. Sigh…

Here’s the beginning of One Little Murder, that has Alicia in the lead and we’ll see how Jenny fits into the story beyond playing the mom role. Keep in mind this is first draft. Also keep in mind that I write by the seat of my pants with only the barest idea of what might come next.

Boxed set of One Small Victory Books 1-3 On top of the image is a smiling couple in a hug. Bottom left and right faces of a woman with intense expression.


Jenny watched with pride as Alicia was called up to be sworn in as a Little Oak police officer. 

Never in her wildest imagination had Jenny thought her daughter would follow in Steve’s footsteps, but after two years of community college studying criminology Alicia had decided this was the route she wanted to take. Her initial plan had been to potentially go to law school, but Alicia had abandoned that idea when she felt a strong calling to do what her stepfather had done so well.

The day Alicia had told Jenny and Steve that she wanted to go to the academy. They had just finished dinner and Alicia dropped that bombshell before they had a chance to get to dessert. 

Jenny had been stunned by that news, as well as what Alicia had said next. “You’re my inspiration, Mom. You know that. Right?”

 Jenny had been too shocked to even speak.

“Don’t tell me you’re surprised,” Alicia said. “I didn’t learn the fine art of embroidery from you.” 

“I know,” Jenny said. “But honestly, I never expected you to…”

The sentence died as Jenny couldn’t put words into any kind of order. 

Steve picked up the conversation lag. “Are you sure about this? I mean, have you thought it through?”

“Of course I have. I’ve been toying with this for almost the last six months.” 

“And other than wanting to kick ass like your mother, why are you doing this?”

“First off.” Alicia raised one finger. “Being a police officer is a noble profession.”

Steve snorted. “I never heard it referred to quite that way.” 

“Well, it is. And I want to be part of that. I want to do something good with my life.”

“You couldn’t do that as an attorney?” Jenny asked.

Alicia grinned. “Haven’t you heard all the lawyer jokes Mom?”

Jenny returned the smile.

 And her smile was even bigger today while Steve pinned the official Little Oak Police Officer insignia on Alicia’s uniform jacket. Alicia had asked Steve to do that honor, and Jenny thought it right and perfect. Her ex, Ralph, had agreed, and now sitting beside her in the audience, he reached over and squeezed her hand. She turned and they shared a smile.

They’d come a long way since that distant day when they’d divorced and lived several years in mutual acrimony, some of which she couldn’t even remember, and some of which she’d rather just keep in the past.

Since their son, Michael had died… How long ago was that now? Jenny always had to stop and count the years. Was that a sign she was getting over the grief? She didn’t think so. It wasn’t like some giant boulder in the middle of the path that one had to get over. It was more like a large rock you were carrying, only to discover you could put it down sometimes and rest, but the rock was always there.

Anyway. She was so glad that Ralph had finally come around to being a real father to Scott and Alicia.

Jenny hadn’t been too sure what Ralph thought of Steve until she’d asked him about this pinning ceremony. When Ralph had quickly agreed, she was sure of two things. How much Ralph respected Steve and his job, as well as an appreciation for being an important part of the lives of his children.

Such a new version of Ralph, and was so happy he’d thrown out the old one.


That’s all for now, folks. I do have a little more written and will be adding bits when I can. I’m still editing for a client, so need to focus on that until we finish her book. Then I’ll be able to spend more time on this new story.

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