Today on the blog, some thoughtful writing I found online from some folks on Twitter. Sometimes there are things that really catch my attention, and these two images did. This first one by Charles Schulz is priceless and has a message that is so relevant today.

This next piece is a report from Democratic Underground posted in a Tweet I saw on Sunday. The information helps explain some things that have stirred so much unrest since 2020. It also highlights how so many people are misunderstanding the term “Antifa.”
Antifa isn’t a formal organization. It’s an ideology meaning anti-fascists.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Lots of people link Antifa with the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, and there is NO official connection, because there is NO official Antifa headquarters. Many people who support BLM, embrace the ideology of Antifa, but that is the only connection between the two.
And all the erroneous and misleading memes circulating on social media that have prominent Democratic politicians standing in front of burning buildings with ‘antifa’ messages scrawled across the bottom of the image, need to be ignored. As do all the other misleading memes and Tweets that have erroneous information about people in the GOP.
There are some great political cartoons that poke fun at all politicians, but they are so different from what we see popping up online.
Talk about spreading disinformation. We’re in a era that is driven by it, and, sadly, our society is crumbling under the weight of it.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I do hope you will bear with me and read this whole piece. Some of it was taken from information on the website for Oregon Senator Ron Wyden, that has links to other reports.
Here’s a short excerpt from an official Homeland Security report that corroborates some of what was posted on Twitter:
“The memorials, monuments and statues ( MMS) Job Aid supplemented existing guidance on I&A’s collection and reporting activities in the “context of elevated threats targeting[monuments, memorials and statues]; law enforcement officers, facilities, and resources and other government facilities” and specifically applied to “expanded intelligence activities necessary to mitigate the significant threat to homeland security articulated in the President’s executive order of June 26, 2020.””

To lighten the mood before you leave, here are a few jokes from The Laugh Factory to start your week with a chuckle. Enjoy…
President Lincoln was approached by a woman after a political speech… If you were my husband I would poison your tea. Lincoln replied…if you are my wife I’ll gladly drink it.
I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows too high. She seemed surprised.
My friend thinks he is smart. He told me an onion is the only food that makes you cry, so I threw a coconut at his face.
I decided to make my password “incorrect” because if I type it in wrong, my computer will remind me, “Your password is incorrect.”
That’s all from me for today. I hope you enjoyed the jokes and considered the commentary. If you want to respond to any of it, please do, but as always keep comments respectful and civil. Have a good week. Be safe. Be happy.