Saturday Surprise

I just received the following announcement from my friend, Slim Randles, and just had to share it. Since we have all enjoyed his humor and his wisdom, I thought we could raise a glass in salute.

“Home Country” columnist Slim Randles won three regional book awards for the two books he wrote in 2014. “Max Evans and a Few Friends, the 90th Birthday Book” took honors for best non-fiction book, and “Saddle Up: A Cowboy Guide to Writing” won for best how-to book and best cover design at the New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards in Albuquerque.

Randles lives in Albuquerque and has a dozen books currently in print.

Knowing Slim, he might prefer a different drink to salute.

 Regardless of the drink of choice, let’s help Slim celebrate. Hint, hint! Books make terrific gifts and he has many to choose from. Visit his Amazon Author Page. Wouldn’t buying one of his books be a wonderful way to thank him for sharing his columns with us?

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