Book Preview – The Last Prospector by Cairn Rodrigues

The Last Prospector
Cairn Rodrigues
File Size: 455 KB
Print Length: 296 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Cairn Rodrigues; 2 edition (January 6, 2014)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English

You’ll notice, dear reader, that I called this a book preview and not a book review. That is because of the most obvious of reasons – I have not yet read the book. Not that I don’t want to, it’s just that time keeps running faster than I can.

So, I will just tell you a bit about the book – a summary I stol… er, borrowed from a lovely blog called the Diesel- Electric Elephant Company.

Solstice is a world apart, created by a mysterious Boss and shaped by tempers of warring twin goddesses. Once it was a playground for sisters Ylumya and Ynoirya, but then the wars began. Now Solstice is the stage for the final battle between light and dark. Everyone must choose a side.

The Boss sired the first prospector 1,000 years ago. Charged to search for a treasure unnamed, an unbroken line of men have been caretakers, shepherds and warriors for Solstice since the misty times. Now, Grayme Ceruleya is the last prospector, he is destined to find the treasure. But what happens to Solstice when he does?

A runaway slave dies giving birth alone in the desert. The nomads who find the baby don’t realize that the child is the pawn of the gods and wields more power than they can comprehend. Except for one boy, broken-hearted Tonyo who makes a tremendous sacrifice to ensure the baby’s safety.

In Solstice the unlikely is probable, magicks are mundane and all the stories are true. It’s a land of stunning natural beauty, filled with exotic wildlife and vibrant cultures. Powerful factions like the whore’s guild make the rules, ancient enemies find new strength and dreamers are waking up all across the land with one message.

The Final war between the Twins has started. A victor must be decided this time. …

Oh, who does not like a good battle? Especially when good will win out, as certainly good must do to have a satisfying ending.

Cairn Rodrigues is a former professional chef who found that keyboards offer fewer cuts and burns, so she turned to writing. A life-long nerd, she has an affection for marzipan and a potentially unhealthy Twitter addiction. She resides near her hometown of Sacramento, California in a poorly decorated house. She also has a charming, rather quirky wit, so who knows what she will share with us on Wednesday when she will be my guest here on It’s Not All Gravy. Please do come back and help her feel welcome.

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