Book Review – Done With Men by Shuchi Singh Kalra

Done With Men
Shuchi Singh Kalra
File Size: 803 KB
Print Length: 159 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Indireads Incorporated (December 16, 2013)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English

The central character in this romantic comedy is Kairavi Krishna, a travel journalist who has had a series of disastrous relationships with men and decides she is done with them. She even has a tattoo put on her wrist that proclaims that to the world.

However, fate has another plan for her.

She is sent to Goa to do articles for a magazine, and she takes her best friend and flat mate Baani with her. The friendship between the two young women and their banter is quite fun, and so is the way Kairavi, Kay, talks to herself via her Thought Bubble.

In Goa, Kay is sure she can get her articles done, spend some time at the beach and avoid any contact with men.

That plan goes awry when her ex, Ricky, shows up with another woman. Then Kay drinks too much vodka, has an accident and ends up in the hospital with  a broken collarbone. There, she is taken care of by the handsome Dr.Vivian D’Mello, and she feels an immediate attraction, an attraction that seems to be running both ways. So what is she to do? Forget her vow? And is she sure about the attraction he seems to have to her? He is giving her mixed signals.

That is all sorted out in a typical romantic manner, and I loved her reaction when she first saw the doctor:

The Pain was almost gone. Could this be God? I’d always imagined God to be an oldish man with white facial hair, definitely more Dumbledore than Clark Kent.

This was the first book I’ve read by an author from India, and it was nice to get a feel for that different culture. I questioned some of the things that happened in the hospital as they were so contrary to what could happen here in the United States, but I realize the medical world could be totally different there when it comes to the way patients can move around in the hospital.

If you like a light romantic read and don’t mind that a few of the situations are a bit forced, you will enjoy this story.

Shuchi Singh Kalra is a writer, editor and blogger based in India and Done With Men is her first book.  She has freelanced with popular magazines such as, Good Housekeeping, Home Review, Parent & Child, Vista, Investors India, Dogs & Pups, Women’s Era and Time ‘N’ Style among many others. her short stories have found a place in anthologies such as Love Across Borders and New Asian Writing’s upcoming collection (to be published in 2014.

Shuchi will be my guest this coming Wednesday, so please try to come back and meet her.

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