Merry Christmas

I know the politically correct thing to say at this time is Happy Holidays, lest we offend someone who doesn’t celebrate Christmas, but I feel like being a rebel today. Besides that, I don’t get the least bit offended when someone says Happy Hanukkah or Happy Kwanzaa.

Those wishes mean something special to the folks who celebrate those holidays, the same way Merry Christmas means something special to me, and it doesn’t take anything away from me for people to express their good wishes the way they want to.

If we all spent more time living up to the inherent meaning in all these holidays and expressions of good will, there could be no offense taken at the words used. There wouldn’t be a “we” and “them” mentality that pushes us apart and makes us sensitive and defensive. There would just be “us”. Mankind. Humankind. However you want to label us.

So my hope for all of us is to have a season of peace and a sense of inclusion instead of exclusion.

I will probably take most of the next two weeks off from blogging so I can celebrate Christmas and New Years with family and friends. I hope that all of you have many opportunities to likewise share the Holiday cheer, and I will see you in the New Year.

Even though I already gave you a Christmas gift with my free short story, The Last Dollar, a couple of weeks ago, I couldn’t resist the impulse to give another free story. From December 24 through December 28, another short story, The Visitor, will be free for Kindle. Enjoy. 

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