Today is the last day for the blogfest celebrating Alex J. Cavanagh, so I thought I would do a continuation from Monday’s post and give you a list of all the bloggers participating in the nonsense… er… fun.
Obviously, I did not read the rules that had specific questions we were to answer about Alex, such as what he looks like – does anyone know? – and who might play him in a documentary. Some names that have been tossed out include, Jimmy Stewart – sorry, he’s dead, Tom Cruise – he’s busy right now trying to be Jack Reacher, and Ralphie. Hmmm, that has possibilities.
Anyway, this has been a blast. I’ve read a number of the blog entries and they are all creative and some are laugh-out-loud funny. If you have a bit of time to spare, visit a few and get your chuckle for the day.
It’s nice you pulled the linky list over. I never remember to do that. 🙂
Some of them have been hilarious! I’d like to note that Tom Cruise is also too short to play me.
Thanks again, Maryann. Glad you’ve had fun reading the entries.