A to Z Challenge – S is for Saturday Morning Breakfast

Every Saturday morning my husband and I go out to breakfast. We started doing this about 25 years ago and do everything in our power to make this time just for each other.

When my husband was traveling as a consultant, he got into the habit of going out to breakfast on Saturday mornings because he didn’t want to sit in the apartment alone for another meal. Sometimes he was gone for months at a time, and it got pretty lonely for him.

Since we both like breakfast out a lot, we decided to keep the pattern even after his consulting stopped and he was home.

So this morning I am keeping this short and sweet and going out to breakfast with my husband. I hope you have something fun to do this Saturday.

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9 thoughts on “A to Z Challenge – S is for Saturday Morning Breakfast”

  1. Teresa, our Saturday breakfast and Sunday ice-cream are our two special treats for the weekend. LOL I remember the days when we didn’t have to worry so much about what we ate.

  2. What a great tradition. When my husband and I were in the process of buying our ranch here, we spent a lot of time at Denny’s, eating breakfast any time of the day. Since then we look fondly upon the local Denny’s and love to visit there.

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