Talented Young Singer

If you have not heard of Rhema Marvanne yet, you will, and my advice is to hold on to your socks. This  talented young singer is only seven years old and already sings like a seasoned pro. She has incredible breath and voice control for one so young, and I look forward to hearing what she can do in another few years.

Rhema, who lives in a suburb of Dallas, inherited her talent from her mother, Wendy, who died in 2008 from ovarian cancer. Wendy loved to sing and often sang to Rhema, so now Rhema feels a connection to her mother through the music. 

Her music of choice is gospel, one of my favorites, and she puts her whole heart and soul into the songs. Her fans praise her for her talent and her spiritual strength. On her Web site, her father has this to say, “The best way to describe Rhema is that she has a beautiful heart and soul. She is sweet, kind, caring and most importantly pure in heart. Most people who have dealt with or are currently dealing with cancer, disease, challenges, etc…..see hope and inspiration in Rhema. The little girl who should have been scared or harmed by seeing her mother suffer and gone, is strong and perfect.

“I see Rhema as a cancer survivor. She gives me hope for goodness in mankind. God gave her a beautiful heart and the voice of an angel. Most people that hear her sing can not deny that God does speak through a child. Her voice touches people’s hearts.” 

 That is so true, and I don’t think you have to believe in the same God that she does, or I do, to appreciate that there is something special here that transcends mere humanity.

Here is a link to one of her videos on YouTube where she sings “Amazing Grace”

Here is a link to another video of her singing “O Holy Night”

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3 thoughts on “Talented Young Singer”

  1. Thanks for stopping by and I’m glad you liked the music.

    When I wrote the blog yesterday I only meant to spend about 10 minutes listening to her sing, and ended up spending twice that. Funny how that happens. LOL

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