Guest Blogging

I’m a guest today on Ginger Simpson’s blog, Dishin’ It out. She is devoting her blog all month to topics revolving around romance to keep the spirit of Valentine’s Day alive for more than just one day, and she graciously invited me to share something about romance.

I wrote about how I came up with the character of Frank, the hero in Play It Again, Sam, and how I dealt with the romance between an older couple. Now when I say older, I don’t mean senior-citizen type older — although some of them have some pretty romantic times — but Sam and Frank are on the brink of 50. That is a little older than most of the characters in popular romance novels.

Anyway, if you get a chance, pop on over and join in the discussion about romance.

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3 thoughts on “Guest Blogging”

  1. Stopped by to say hi, but you aren’t home … you’re over at Ginger’s! You left me a message to stop by for an award, but I couldn’t find it. 🙁 I’ll go over to Ginger’s blog and see what you’re up to!

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