One of Those Days

This has got to be one of the craziest Mondays for me in a long time. Had to take our Miracle cat to the veterinarian hospital this morning to get the plate taken out of the leg he broke last spring. The site had started getting infected, and I guess in the midst of all that went on when he got the break repaired, I missed the part about removing the plate at some later time.

Orca does not like the cat carrier. Nor does he like the truck. Nor does he like the hospital. All of which he let us know in endless yowling. Not mewing, which is a soft sweet sound cats make, but yowling, which may burst eardrums in five counties. The minute I walked in the hospital with him, the receptionist said, “Orca’s here.” Then I heard that echoing from the back as the doctor and the tech spoke up.

The Winnsboro Veterinary Hospital is a place where “everyone knows your name.” Especially if it is Orca.

But that is only one piece of my crazy Monday. I have to go back to town later today to get the tire put back on my car, which is why I was driving the truck this morning. Had a flat on Saturday, so I had to leave the tire at a local tire shop for repair. Of course, it wasn’t open this morning when I took the cat in, so that means an extra trip to town.

Then there are all the errands I have to do that I couldn’t do Saturday when my tire went flat. After a good Samaritan helped me change the tire Saturday, I nursed the car the 7 miles home on that silly little thing the car company said was my spare, and the car hasn’t moved since.

My normal Monday routine is to stay home. In the mornings I update, the online community magazine where I am Managing Editor, and the rest of the day is relegated to taking care of things that were neglected all weekend. And maybe I even get a little work done on my latest book.

Today, however, that normalcy was blown all to… well, you know where it went.

And to top it all off, all I really want to do is take a nap.

How about you? What do you do when your plans get all messed up?

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4 thoughts on “One of Those Days”

  1. I say things that I should not post here and you would probably want to delete if I did 🙂

    Funny thing is, that is exactly how this and last Monday have been here in the office…at least there is a whiskey tasting just up the road tonight, I just have to make it until 4.

  2. I usually blow off the to do list and read for a while. That usually resurrects my personality as well as the day. All is not lost when you can get lost in a good book for an hour.

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