Black Friday

Today is the day! Millions of shoppers — at least stores hope millions of shoppers — will show up to start their Holiday shopping frenzy.

Not me. I have never done that, and I don’t intend to start now.

There is no way I am getting up at some ungodly hour in the morning, before the sun is even up, to go shopping. I don’t like shopping under normal circumstances, so it’s not a huge surprise that I would never participate in this annual “shop til you drop” extravaganza.

In watching some recent commercial promoting the event, I’ve had to laugh at the women featured in the ads. They are waiting for a 3am opening of a store, and they are all dressed to the nines, as us old fogeys are fond of saying — nice clothes, jewelry, make up, and bright cheerful smiles.

If I am awake at 2:30 in the morning, it’s a cinch I won’t be wearing a cheerful smile, bright or otherwise. I’ll be in my flannel pjs and quietly cursing the cat who decided he HAD to go outside and yowled his request at the top of his lungs.

On this black Friday, we will be visiting with family, probably playing cards and eating leftover turkey, and loving every minute of it. And I don’t even have to worry about the cat waking me up. We are leaving him home in the care of a friend.

What about you? Will you be out fighting the throngs of shoppers?

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5 thoughts on “Black Friday”

  1. No way! I have no intention of dealing with masses of shoppers. Like you, I never have and never will.
    In fact, this year, I’m doing most of my shopping online through trusted companies, such as Amazon and even Current. I will go to actual stores to buy toys for the grandkids — only because I’m a stickler for seeing toys prior to purchase!

  2. I hate malls! Probably comes from my days of working in one years ago. Why anyone would want to go there today is beyond my comprehension. Online shopping is the only way to go. 🙂

  3. Thanks for dropping by today. Didn’t really expect many visitors as people are still enjoying time with family. We had a great day visiting with some of our kids and grandkids that we haven’t seen in a while. Which was much more fun than shopping. 🙂

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