Guest Author LK Hunsaker Tomorrow

I hope you will come back tomorrow when my guest author, LK Hunsaker, blogs about Pushing Boundaries with Trauma and Genre LK is doing a blog tour to introduce readers to her latest book, Off the Moon: a literary romance that will be released November 27th.

“Riveting” Ryan Reynauld is immersed in a world of music, parties, and temporary companionship. Having risen to the top of the pop charts, his biggest concern is objecting to the way his music is produced. That is, until he finds a young woman standing on a window ledge. Against the advice of family and friends, and through media attacks and fan protests, Ryan determines to care for her himself, making a promise that threatens to destroy his career.

Convincing the skittish girl she can learn to trust again comes with a steep price. Sometimes the path to recovery begins by allowing your world to implode.

LK Hunsaker holds a psychology degree from University of Maryland University College and an arts degree from Illinois Central College. The author of “Finishing Touches” and the “Rehearsal” series, both revolving around the arts, Hunsaker dabbles in fine art, piano, and guitar and runs a group assisting writers with their publishing goals. Several of her short stories and poems have been published in literary ezines. Widely traveled as a military spouse, she is now settled in western Pennsylvania with her husband and two children.

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6 thoughts on “Guest Author LK Hunsaker Tomorrow”

  1. Thanks for stopping by Beth. I just met her, also, and realize we have a lot in common. I am really looking forward to reading her book, as well as what she has to say about writing tomorrow.

  2. Hi Beth, it’s nice to meet you!

    Maryann, I realized that as I was checking your site, also. Thanks for hosting me. 🙂

    Hi Helen, nice to see you here.

    I look forward to tomorrow’s chat!

  3. Glad you could stop by today, LK. As you can see there are a few folks anxiously awaiting your post tomorrow. And since I have already read it, I know they won’t be disappointed. 🙂

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