Artistic Expression

We are having a wonderful Fine Arts Market in Winnsboro this weekend and I am signing copies of One Small Victory. Today I was there in the afternoon and will go back tomorrow afternoon from 12 until 4.

One of the neat things about this signing event is that it is at a gallery where a lot of artists are there to greet people. I got to talking to one of the artists and we commented about how one form of art feeds another. That got me to thinking about how important it is to take a break from writing and do something else.

That’s probably why I enjoy acting and directing and some of the other artistic pursuits I have. I have always done them because they were fun, but I never really stopped to think about how important they are for my creativity.

The more I thought about that this afternoon, I realized that I know a lot of people who are proficient in several forms of artistic expression.

Writing is my only professional creative endeavor. The acting and directing is all as an amateur, as is my photography, guitar playing, and painting. But they all bring me great pleasure.

What about you? What kinds of artistic expressions do you enjoy? Is one more important than others?

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8 thoughts on “Artistic Expression”

  1. Sounds like a fun event!

    I love all forms of artistic expression, and I agree that they all feed each other. Writing, drawing, singing, dancing, playing guitar, filmmaking…all of these things I do act as inspire for each other. 🙂

  2. No problem! I love making all different films, especially short films. I’ve made a few short comedies and short horror films. I’m afraid I’m not very good at it, but it’s always fun. 🙂

  3. Helen, I think the point of the other creative endeavors is not necessarily excel at them all, just go into another playground to play for a while. All the other things I do are not as a professional.

    Jo, do you post your films on You Tube? And just keep making films. We get better at everything the more we practice. 🙂

  4. Hi Maryann.

    We have a lot in common. Like you, I’m an artist in many ways but only write on a professional level. I once tried to start a business doing contracted artwork and just froze up. I couldn’t draw, apparently, if I had to do so for money. Funny. I don’t have that problem with writing, thank goodness.

    Nice post.

  5. Thanks for stopping by Janalyn. I’m with you, I can’t seen to do anything but write on demand. 🙂 I was recently asked to play my guitar and sing in a small setting and my nerves got the best of me.

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