Memorial Day

In a little cemetery in Fairmont, West Virginia there are headstones for a number of Van Gilder men who served in the U.S. military, going back to the Revolutionary War. I had the opportunity to go that cemetery two years ago for a reunion — my father’s family – and I was amazed to see so many military men noted. I felt both awed and thrilled to be in such company.

While I may not hold with killing and really wish there was some other way to handle global conflicts than war, there is something noble and stirring about the men and women who have sacrificed their lives for our freedom.

So I take this time to thank them for their service and remember all the military men and women in our family, both living and dead.

Thank you…..

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4 thoughts on “Memorial Day”

  1. Great post. When you can connect it to real life, it makes it more real. My father, as I mentioned on my blog, is buried in Port Hudson National Cemetery outside Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Port Hudson was the last Confederate holdout along the Mississippi River. My father is buried with soldier from the Civil War, including members of one of the Union’s Black regiments. Most of those graves are ‘unknowns.’ It is up to us to remember them and their sacrifice.

    Anna Kathryn

  2. Hi Maryanne,
    Great article, lovely sentiments.
    My father served in World War 2 as did four of his brothers and one paid the supreme sacrifice. I also lost relatives in the carnage of the 1st World War as well. I have actually visited the WW1battlefields and cemeteries in France and Belgium. The sacrifices of these heroes, and the most awe inspiring part is that they were “ordianry” just like us, should never be forgotten, which is why I use the war as a background for some of my stories. I only hope I do these brave soldiers justice.


  3. Thanks all for stopping by and leaving comments. My father wanted to serve in WWII, but was not able to because he is color blind and they wouldn’t take him. But he worked in some defense contracting and felt like he was doing his part that way.

    LuAnn, the Van Gilders came to the states with William Penn and settled in the area around Pennsyvania and what became West Virginia. As far as I know the spelling was always Gilder, not Guilder, which I believe is a German spelling. But I could be wrong. That has happened once or twice in my life.:-)

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