Meeting the Public

A number of people came to the library in Tyler to meet the authors and it was fun to talk to folks about books. The children provided the most fun as they marveled at us “real writers.” I guess some of them have no concept of what is behind their favorite book. Sort of like many kids think hamburger originates in the supermarket packaged in shrink wrap.

The other great thing about attending an event like this is the opportunity to meet other authors. There are a few that I have gotten to know from sharing other venues, and it is always fun to see them again, as well as meet new friends. Sharon Ellsberry writes the cutest books featuring spaniel dogs, and Jan Mathew has written haiku and prose about cats with very nice ink illustrations.

There were authors with self-help type books, including Elizabeth Baker who has written for for a number of years. Liza Ely was there with her book, Conscious Acts of Grace, which deals with end-of-life issues is a truly positive, uplifting way. Vina Lee is a life coach and has an interesting book titled, Get Out of Jail Free.

I enjoyed visiting with these authors, as well as Joe Lansdale and James Olson who both write fiction. We shared a panel discussion in the afternoon and the audience seemed to appreciate what we had to say about the wacky world of writing.

I always come home from an all-day event like this exhausted, yet energized by spending time around so many people who love books and love to write.


Here are links to Web sites of some of the featured authors in case you are interested in checking out their books:

Linda Ayers

Sharon Ellsberry

Joe Lansdale

James Olson

Vina Lee

Elizabeth Baker

Jan B. Mathew

Liza Ely

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3 thoughts on “Meeting the Public”

  1. Unfortunately, I haven’t had the opportunity to make it to one of these get-togethers. Of course, I’ve met authors one on one at bookstore signings, but I hope to sometime in the NEAR future make it to one of these events.

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