Book Preview: Gone Astray by Terry Korth Fischer

Today I have a special feature with a preview of a new mystery, the first in a series starring a new face in police procedural mysteries. But first, I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day. I do hope yours is filled with sweetness, a bit of romance, and perhaps a fine wine.

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I love that whimsical image, don’t you? 


Gone Astray
Terry Korth Fischer
Publisher : The Wild Rose Press, Inc (February 15, 2021)
Publication date : February 15, 2021 

BOOK BLURB: A heart attack sends detective Rory Naysmith reeling. Too young to retire, he accepts a position in small-town Winterset, Nebraska. Handed an unsolved truck hijacking case, and the assistance of a rookie, Rory sets out to prove he is still able to go toe-to toe with men half his age. When the body of a Vietnam veteran turns up, he dons his fedora and spit-shines his shoes. But before he can solve the murder, an older woman disappears, followed closely by a second hijacking. He doggedly works the cases, following a thread that ties the crimes together.  But can Rory find the mental and physical strength to up his game and bring the criminals to justice before disaster strikes?


“Powell’s back,” he said to Esther.

She pushed off from the wall. “Thank you.” They stood toe to toe, Esther’s chin level with his eyes. “I think Sunny wants you.”

Rory looked in the dispatcher’s direction, his gaze passing over the security monitors on the way. On the center screen, Chief Mansfield’s face stretched from edge to edge. Clutching the phone to his ear with a beefy hand, he glared into the camera.

The chief wanted him. Rory’s mouth went dry. He swallowed hard as the first hit of adrenaline kicked in. Hot damn—it was about time!



Terry Korth Fischer writes short stories, mystery, and memoir. Her memoir, Omaha to Ogallala, released in 2019, S&H Publishing, Inc. and Gone Astray, her debut mystery, The Wild Rose Press, in 2021. Her short stories have appeared in numerous print anthologies and online magazines. Terry is a member of SinC, Pennwriters, Inc. and Clear Lake Area Writers. Transplanted from the Midwest, Terry lives in Houston with her husband and their two guard cats.

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Please do come back on Wednesday when Terry will be my guest with a fun post about finding just the right poison with which to “off” a character.

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5 thoughts on “Book Preview: Gone Astray by Terry Korth Fischer”

  1. I’m late! I’m late! For a very important book launch party date. Darn! I missed the chance to applaud my favorite author and celebrate
    her masterful mystery about a detective of a certain age whose rage
    against ravages of health and time that promised a retirement cage
    inspired his exercise in grit, gumption, style and sleuthing grace,
    revealing clever, no-nonsense, heroic policing with an ordinary face. I say Hooray for Terry and her ” Rory,” a wry, witty, engaging pair,
    who remind us: good guys still win; crafty writers still make us care.

    1. It’s never too late for words of praise for a story you love. I’m sure Terry appreciates your support any time it comes. Thanks for stopping by the blog to let my readers know how much you like Gone Astray.

  2. Pingback: Killing Them Kindly – Guest Post by Terry Korth Fischer – Maryann Writes

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