Book Review – Blue Fire by Katherine Prairie

Blue Fire
Katherine Prairie
ISBN-10: 099493775X
ISBN-13: 978-0994937759
Stonedrift Press Ltd.
Trade Paper, 368 pgs
July 26, 2018 $14.95
Series: Alex Graham
Also available for Kindle

Book Blurb:  An incredible discovery. A race for the truth.

Tanzanite, a rare blue gem born in fire and revealed by lightning, is found only in the Merelani Hills of Tanzania. But now the death of a gem smuggler points to another possibility.

A South American mine owned by Tabitha Metals may hold the find of a century. But why is it kept hidden from the world? Geologist Brian Graham can draw only one conclusion: the mine’s untraceable wealth is used to fund terrorism. And he must reveal the truth.

Brian heads to Colombia to check out mines there while his geologist daughter Alex and Tanzanian miner Mosi Ongeti start in Brazil. But their daring plan ends with a gunshot, and they are now pursued by the henchmen of a sinister, powerful arms dealer.

In a high-stakes race across two continents, Alex fights to expose the mine before the man behind Tabitha Metals can stop her.

Review: Even though it is a much different story, I couldn’t help but think of “Romancing the Stone” as I read Blue Fire. Maybe because both stories have strong women lead characters, not to mention the races against time across dangerous territories to save themselves and others.

The secondary characters in Blue Fire were as finely drawn as Alex, and I especially liked Mosi Ongeti. The long-time relationship they share in almost a father/daughter manner came across in telling moments when Alex would not abandon Mosi after he had been shot as they escaped from the mine.

The romantic relationship between Alex and her boyfirend Eric is handled nicely, too, and early on the reader can tell that they care deeply about each other. The fact that Eric agrees to help treat Mosi’s terrible infection speaks strongly about the depth of the relationship.

Reading this book I was introduced to countries that I didn’t know details about, as well as mining for a variety of gems. Tanzanite is a gem new to me, and I am eager to see the Blue Fire in person. The description of the gem gave me a good visual, but I would still like to see one.

The mystery of why Alex’s father, Brian, has disappeared, added to the mystery of who controls the mine in Brazil that is apparently mining tanzanite when it had previously only been mined in Arusha, Tanzania, keeps the tension high and the suspense going. My only quibble is that I would have preferred less about Shen and the Chinese, as both came across as stereotypical bad guys. Much less could have been written about them, and the focus stay on Alex and her attempts to solve the mysteries. Those were the chapters I enjoyed the most.

About the Author:  Katherine Prairie brings her own experience as an international geologist to the Alex Graham thriller series. Her debut novel Thirst was shortlisted for the 2017 Whistler Independent Book Awards. She is an award-winning presenter and the author of The Essential PROC SQL Handbook for SAS Users. She is the founding president of Sisters in Crime – Canada West, and a 2018-19 Crime Writers of Canada director. You can find out more about Katherine at her WEBSITE. and follow her on FACEBOOK and TWITTER 

Please come back on Wednesday when Katherine will be my guest here on the blog and give her a warm welcome.

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3 thoughts on “Book Review – Blue Fire by Katherine Prairie”

  1. Pingback: “I’m a Wanderer” – Maryann Writes

  2. Katherine Prairie

    It’s high praise to learn that a reader feels they’ve been transported to the places I write about! And I’m happy to hear that Alex Graham resonates with you — I really enjoy writing this character, and she has many more stories to tell.

    1. When a writer really enjoys the characters who take up so much of her head and her time, it shows in the work. I could tell Alex is special.

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