Book Review – Tainted by Love by Gillian Jones

Tainted By Love
Gillian Jones
File Size: 3249 KB
Print Length: 342 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Gillian Jones (February 13, 2017)
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English

My name is Hendrix Hills.
When I was twenty-nine, I fell in love with a girl.
We loved fast. We loved hard.
But our love was tainted.

My name is Trinity Adams.
When I was twenty-seven, I fell in love with a boy.
We loved fast. We loved hard.
It’s too bad my blood was tainted.

Warning: Not your traditional HEA. May contain emotional triggers for some. There will be things that you won’t like and some you will, but I hope you have fun finding out!


As a reviewer, and a reader, I found this book a bit hard to stay with at first. Had I not agreed to do the review and promo, I might have stopped reading after the first few chapters, but I am glad I hung in there.

First, the very good parts of the book, for me at least, were those that focused on how Trinity dealt with her HIV status. That was a terrific glimpse into all the ramifications of having the disease, that many of us have no clue about. It was all very well-written and believable, and I especially liked how proactive she was in sharing her testimony to help others. Early on in the story, she is talking to high school students, and the questions raised were sometimes challenging to her, but she did not shy away from an honest answer.

While I liked Trinity almost right away, I had a hard time connecting with, and liking Hendrix, as he was too much of a user – in the sense of using women for his pleasure and moving on. Perhaps I am too firmly rooted in a time when people held sex to a higher standard than just an evening’s entertainment. But then, I am old. LOL

Fans of the really steamy romances, and erotica, will probably enjoy this book, and not have the issues with it that I did. While I ended up skipping past the graphic sex scenes, I enjoyed much of the rest of the story. The emotional roller-coaster that the two main characters are on is very compelling, and that was the part of the story I found satisfying.


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I’m a wife, mother, and a crazy Canadian, living in Ontario with the loves of my life-my amazing hubby and sweetest little boy. I’m admittedly addicted to my friends, red wine, and laughter. A lover of alpha males, hot sex, coupled with the perfect side of angst all topped off with the epic happily ever after.

Other works – My Mind’s Eye, On the Rocks, One Last Shot, Call Me

All available at Amazon. Full list on Gillian’s Amazon Author Page


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