Book Review – Home With Henry by Anne Kaier

You may wonder why I even bother having a schedule for book reviews since I often post them on other days than Sunday’s, but sometimes the author is on tour and needs another spot filled. That is what happened when I was contacted to see if I would be interested in reading and reviewing this delightful new book.

A cat? It has a cat in it? Of course I will do this, even though I have been swamped with getting ready for company and celebrating my birthday and prepping for the start of my two-week summer drama camp and….. (smile)

Seriously, I couldn’t resist. I do love cats, and memoirs, and an editor friend, Khadijah Lacina highly recommended the book.

Right away I had to admire Anne’s heart and spunk as she stops to pick up an injured cat on a busy city street. She takes the cat to her veterinarian, has his injuries taken care of, then brings him home to the new house she shares with Lucille, another rescue cat. There, in fits and starts, they all work out a living arrangement that suits them, with Henry being the reluctant roommate.

The book is a journal of those first months of Anne trying to befriend a feral cat, while adjusting to her new life in the city. There are the obvious parallels in the two levels of the story, and you don’t have to be a cat lover to enjoy it. Readers of all ilks can appreciate Anne’s dedication and patience as she works to win Henry’s trust.

I thought the cover and the inside illustrations were quite lovely. The art reflects the simplicity of the story so well.

Instead of the usual Amazon Link, I want to give you a link to the book’s page on Anne’s WEBSITE where you can read more about the book, see a wonderful video, and find buy links.

Here is the link to Anne’s stop tomorrow on her tour: Memoir Writing Blog

About the Author: Anne is a prolific writer. Her essays and poetry have been published in venues such as The Gettysburg Review, Alaska Quarterly Review, The Kenyon Review, Referential and Beauty is a Verb: An Anthology of Poetry, Poetics, and Disability which is on the American Library Association Notable Books list for 2012. She has a Ph.D. from Harvard University and teaches creative writing and literature at Arcadia University and Rosemont College. She serves on the Fulbright Creative Writing Student Screening Committee.  Anne lives in Center City, Philadelphia.

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