Monday Morning Musings

I hope everyone had a terrific weekend. Mine was spent at the East Texas Book Fest where I connected with some of my author friends, met some new ones, and chatted with visitors about how much fun it is to read. There is a real passion on both sides of the book, and I find it quite energizing to talk to someone who can get so lost in a good story that everything else is blotted out. That’s the way it is for us who put the words on the paper. If we did not have that same passion for story, the words would be nothing but dark smudges on white paper.

There was a reception for the authors the evening before, which was a good excuse for wearing something nicer than my jeans and tee-shirt; my normal attire here at Grandma’s Ranch.

What I’m Reading: Sarnia, historical fiction set first in London then on the isle of Guernsey. It is set in the Regency era, but has little of the lightheartedness of most Regency novels and is closer to a gothic. The book was written by a man using a feminine pen name, and I think he did a credible job writing from a female POV.

What I’m Dismayed About: Much is being said in the media about Texas Governor Rick Perry’s new serious look. He has glasses with black frames that make him look more studious than country hick, and word is the new image is to help with another run at the presidency. Please, Mr. Perry, don’t do it. Stay home and tend to Texas business and answer to your two felony indictments for abuse of power.

What I’m Happy About: My wonderful daughter-in-law, Corina, who is celebrating her birthday today. She has been such a wonderful gift to our family, the perfect partner for my son, Michael, and a terrific mom to their two girls. Happy birthday, Corina.

Now for a Joke or Two:  A nursery school teacher was delivering a van full of kids home one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian. The children started  discussing the dog’s duties.

      “They use him to keep crowds back,” said one.
      “No,” said another, he’s just for good luck.
      A third child brought the argument to a close.  “They use the dog’s,”  she said firmly, “to find the fire hydrant.”

A grumpy old gentleman in a crowded restaurant was compelled to sit, much against his will, next to the orchestra. He stared at the orchestra leader as a loud jazz selection came to an end. The annoyed patron snorted, and then asked, “Would you be so kind as to play something by request?”
      The leader bowed again and beamed. “Certainly,” he replied, “anything you like, sir.”
      “Then,” snapped the patron, “please be good enough to play a game of checkers while I finish my meal.”

So how was your weekend? Anything good happen you’d like to share?

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