Monday Morning Musings

I made the mistake of watching national news the other day and was reminded why I am much better off not paying attention to all that.

Did you hear about Cynthia Robinson, the Florida woman who sued R.J. Reynolds because her husband died from smoking-related illness? The jury gave her $23.6 billion in punitive damages. That’s billions, folks, and an additional $16.8 million in compensatory damages. Robinson  had been part of a previous class-action suit against R.J. Reynolds that was settled in 2006, but that $145 billion verdict had been overturned on appeal. In a television interview, Robinson said, “We have finally gotten justice.”

Justice? I’ll let you decide for yourselves, but I think it is beyond absurd. More at the Huffington Post

On a much nicer note, my two weeks of drama camp ended with our performances over the weekend. We had sell-out audiences for both shows, and what great energy that creates for the players. They did an amazing job, and I am always so thrilled to work with the kids and the camp leaders.

Here are just a few more pictures from the show and the camp.

This wonderful poster was designed by one of our board members, Jim Willis.

These lovely pictures of the lions were taken by Bob Williams Photography and used with permission.
The drama camp, along with all the other activities that go on at the Winnsboro Center For the Arts, is put on by volunteers. We do pay professional music and theatre people, but the rest is done by the wonderful people in this place I call home. I am so thankful for all the people who stepped up to make this a huge success.
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2 thoughts on “Monday Morning Musings”

  1. I think the court system is getting more and more crazy. I feel bad for people who die from tobacco, but don’t we all know by now that it is bad for us and can cause cancer? Crazy – billions! (Crazy enough I even used the dreaded !)
    The group looked like fun, much better for everyone than all the other crazy news.

  2. Thanks for coming by, Neil. I agree about the choices we make and our responsibility for the results. My husband died from smoking -related illness, and it was gut-wrenching to watch him die, but we cannot keep suing when someone dies. In the long run, that just passes on higher prices of goods to consumers.

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