Monday Morning Musings

Heading into a busy week for me. Later today I will be visiting with some writers who want me to share my series “bible.” That term is most often used for television series, and a bible for screenwriters is a reference document that is used for information on a series’ characters, settings, and other elements.  I have developed my own version of the bible for my Seasons Mystery Series, using 5-subject notebooks, in which I keep track of character names and other information that is important for me to reference from book to book.

Folks much more computer savvy than I am, do remind me that there is great software available for doing the same thing, and some day I might consider trying that out. For now, however, I do like the process of picking up a pen and making notes. Maybe because I started out eons ago writing longhand in notebooks. I love notebooks and have way too many of them. (smile)

This coming weekend, I will be near Austin at the Georgetown Public Library. There is an Art and Author Fair on Saturday, May 10 from 1 to 4 in the afternoon, sponsored by the Central Texas Authors organization. If you live in or close to Austin, come on by. It would be so much fun to meet some of you in person. I love what they are calling the event, “Look in the Book.” Clever, don’t you think?

My daughter made this new banner for me to use for my flyers that I hand out at events. She does such a terrific job, and most of those book covers are her designs.

See the larger images on my Amazon Author Page

Yesterday I met with my troupe of Young Players at the Winnsboro Center For the Arts to plan the Nite of Comedy. This is an annual event we started a few years ago, and many of the kids who have come through the Summer Drama Camp are part of the troupe. They are a talented group of kids, and we have so much fun putting this all together. Here is a picture from a rehearsal last year,

The Nite of Comedy kicks off the year of theatrical productions at the Art Center, so I will be busy from now until December, with only a week or two in between closing a show and holding auditions for another.

Now to start your week off with a chuckle, here is a joke:

How much deeper would the ocean be, if SPONGES didn’t grow in it?

Now it’s your turn. How is your week shaping up?

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2 thoughts on “Monday Morning Musings”

  1. I just use the Scrivener Project search when I want to find something, or check a name – the computer search ability is priceless.

    I have at least 20 filled notebooks for Pride’s Children – and I hate trying to find something, even though I put an index in the front two pages of each.

    We each use what works for us, right?


  2. You are right, Alicia. The writers I met with yesterday are like me in really wanting to cling to our notebooks as that is what we are most familiar with.

    I will be honest and say I do not know what the Scrivener Project is????

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