Something Different This Sunday

Since I have no review for today, I thought I would share a couple videos with songs that have spoken to my heart of late. This first one is from Amanda Marshall, a Candadian pop-rock singer with her amazing song “Believe in You.” I think all the strong women I celebrate here had someone in their lives who told them that often. The video is as touching as the lyrics as we watch this man from infancy on as he runs the race of life.

This next one is from another Canadian singer, Michelle Wright, and it is a sad song, especially for those of us who are grieving a loss. I’ve had her CD “Everything and More” for a while and just popped it in when I was driving the other day. I’d forgotten about this song, and when I heard it again that day, I thought, “Yes, this is for me today. I Don’t Wanna be That Strong.”

I think we all have days like that, and we just need to be there for that day. Maybe the next day we will feel strong again, but for one day we can just say we don’t want to do this today. Michelle’s song is about love that ended in divorce, but it has a message for love that ended for any reason.

Ironically, Michelle’s latest album is titled “Strong.” Maybe it’s time for a new CD.

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