Remembering Those Who Served

Today, we in the United States pause to remember those soldiers who died in service to their country. Someone recently asked me if I had ever served in the military. We were talking about the legacy of military service in our families, and she was one of those who did serve.

I have not, and I can’t imagine what it would be like to be in combat. Most of the people I know who have served don’t want to talk about their experiences.

Those are the ones who survived.

There are too many who have not. And too many families who grieve.

Yesterday at church a woman prayed for her son and four of his comrades who were all killed at the same time in Afghanistan several years ago. Her pain was so real it brought tears to my eyes. Then a fragment of a song by Peter, Paul and Mary came to mind:

                          Where have all the soldiers gone, long time passing?
                          Where have all the soldiers gone, long time ago?
                          Where have all the soldiers gone?
                          Gone to graveyards, everyone.
                          Oh, when will they ever learn?
                          Oh, when will they ever learn?

Lyrics | Peter, Paul & Mary lyricsWhere Have All The Flowers Gone lyrics

When will we ever learn?
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