Monday Morning Musings

It’s Monday morning and I haven’t a clue what to write about. This doesn’t happen very often, as those of you who follow my blog know. I am usually able to find something in the news that warrants a comment or two, but I have been rather disconnected from the news the past few days.

Friday I was at a library most of the day for a Meet the Author event, and that was a lot of fun. I met some authors new to me, and also met a number of readers, also new to me. One of the highlights was the librarian’s mother who was the hostess for the day, providing drinks and snacks to make us all feel welcome.

In addition to being a wonderful hostess, Virginia was a delight to visit with. She loves books – she works as a circulation and cataloging aide at the library and also volunteers when she has used up her paid hours. Every now and then she would stop by my table to share about another books she enjoys. She is a intrigued by crime and forensics and the process of catching the bad guys, so we have a lot in common.

I wish I would have thought to have a picture taken of us together, but we were always so engrossed in conversation, a picture was the last thing on my mind. If you would like to meet her, here is a link to her Facebook page.

Saturday was spent getting two new kittens and setting them up with a place away from the other cats until they can all get along. It could happen. (smile)

Here are our latest additions. We intended to only get one kitten, but they are litter mates, so it was impossible to resist bringing them both home. They do play so well together and I think it makes it easier for them to acclimate.

Lily – age about 8 weeks

Sammy – age 8 weeks. He has the prettiest blue eyes.

Our oldest feline resident, Misty, ignores the kittens, unless they come to close to her. Then she hisses and swats at them. Hermoine, one of the black cats we got a year and a half ago, has not come out to meet the kittens at all. She is our scardy cat and hides in our bedroom whenever anybody or anything scares her in the main part of the house.

However, Harry, Hermoine’s brother, thinks the new kittens are quite interesting. He follows them around and has attempted to play with them. Since he is so much bigger, the kittens are a bit hesitant, so Harry just sits back and watches.

Anyone who thinks cats are all the same, has obviously not spent much time watching them. They all have distinct personalities and behavioral quirks, and we are constantly surprised by them.

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6 thoughts on “Monday Morning Musings”

  1. When I saw the cat photos, I couldn’t resist reading your post, Maryann. When we got a new kitten recently, the older cat, a real sweetie, snarled and hissed for a few days. Now the two get along fine.

  2. Bob, we have very little hissing going on. Our cat, Harry, wanted to greet the kittens right away, and the kittens hissed at him. They got over it, though. They are buddies already.

    LD, yes, they are siblings. It is not unusual at all for cats to have litters that are that different. Our Misty had a litter of five once that had one tuxedo cat, one orange tabby, one like Sammy, only lighter in color, and two black cats. Misty is a calico. The litter these two kittens came from also had an orange tabby, a black cat, and a tuxedo cat.

  3. The kittens are absolutely adorable! We have two… a spoiled tabby and a spoiled calico. But then again, why have ’em if you aren’t gonna spoil ’em, right?

    Just a reminder that the “Shine On” post will be published tomorrow. You might like the eagle post that went up on Friday, too.

    Take care. Enjoy all those kitties.

  4. We have two cats in our house. I never would have believed this, but one is actually afraid of heights! Even being carried down the stairs causes anxiety. He watches birds outside from the base of the trees…. 😉 Cute cats! Enjoy getting to know them!

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