Friday’s Odds and Ends

Initially my plan for today’s blog was to write about Robin Roberts and all the attention she is getting regarding her illness and treatment. My husband commented yesterday that he found all that media attention a bit disheartening since there are so many other everyday people who are fighting terrible diseases, and they do not get any attention. He wondered what makes her a hero and not those others.

However, after reading the news about Robin’s mother’s death. I will leave her alone. My heart goes out to her as I know how close she and her mother were. I’m sure that Robin was hoping to have her mother’s support during her treatment.

If you like YA novels, you might want to head over to The Blood Red Pencil and meet Michelle Gagnon, who has written a new thriller. She says that while the book is for teens, she thinks adults will enjoy it as well.

Cleaning up my desk the other day I ran across an article by Jacquielynn Floyd in The Dallas Morning News that I had been saving. I tend to stack papers on one corner of my desk with the thought that I might comment on a story. This one is still relevant because it is about the huge salaries that DISD administrators are getting, including the $185,000 to a young chief of communications. I’d do the PR work for a mere $100,000, but I digress.

The point of Jacquielynn’s column was to express a hope that the administrators actually do some good for the school district to earn those exorbitant salaries.

Isn’t it a shame that the bulk of education money goes to the top?

A recent Non Sequitur cartoon made me laugh out loud. Danae and her father are standing near the edge of a cliff where a group of men carrying American flags are walking off the edge. Dad says, “That whole thing about lemmings is just a myth. Political parties on the other hand…” Check the link for today’s strip. Another good one.

Today’s writing tip from the comics comes from One Big Happy

Ruthie and Joe and James are trying to write a story. Ruthie throws up her hands and declares, “There’s no story to this story, people. What can you say about a character named Ricky Roadkill?”

With great delight, James says, “You could tell how he got squished.”

Ruthie says, “Hmmm… Yeah…”

Then Joe says, “But forget about a sequel.”

For the next three days my suspense novel, One Small Victory will be free for Kindle. This will be the last time that book will be free, but I will occasionally have other work free. With so many other reading devices out there now, I just don’t see the wisdom in keeping the novel limited to Amazon. Grab your free copy while you can, and if you like it, please do let me know by leaving a short review. You would be amazed how those reviews help an author.

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1 thought on “Friday’s Odds and Ends”

  1. I thought I was the only one who cut out articles to comment on later (re: cleaning up my desk). I often find noteworthy pieces of info, not earthshaking, but to my little mind, ridiculous or sublime, that could be missed in the business of life. Those observations often bring a chuckle or a grimace of frustration, hence the blog title. Good to know I’m not alone in this response.

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