Friday’s Odds and Ends

This will be anything but the ordinary Friday post. First of all because I’m getting to it so late in the day.  Mainly because I slept in this morning – gosh that felt good – and had a lot of other things to take care of this morning.

No Black Friday shopping for me, unless it is on my computer. I have never been a fan of this ritual for a lot of reasons. “I’m not a shopper” is probably the main one. Some people love to wander through shopping malls and can spend entire days doing that. I’d rather spend days wandering through the woods behind our property. I also really don’t like the sense of desperation that seems to lead to unfortunate occurrences like shoppers getting trampled. I have not checked the news yet, so I don’t know if that happened today, but I remember in happening last year. So sad.

We spent Thanksgiving at our son’s house. It was his first year to host the dinner, and I was quite proud of how well he did. His older sister helped with the food preparations, but he was very much into making the stuffing and getting the turkey just right. He even asked me for my stuffing recipe, and when I arrived at his house, he had it almost finished. It was just as good as mine.

He was also a very gracious host, making sure everyone got plenty of food and responding to every request of, “Paul, do you have….?”

It is almost a three-hour drive from our place to his home in Denton, Texas, so we spent almost 6 hours driving yesterday. Now you know why I slept in.

So, how was your Thanksgiving? 

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2 thoughts on “Friday’s Odds and Ends”

  1. Hi Alex, glad you stopped by. We watched a bit of football yesterday in between bouts of eating. Then today my hubby watched some of the college games while I planted flowers in my new flowerboxes.

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