Introducing Backlist Books authors

Today was spent doing some much needed work around my little farm. Our oldest son came out for the weekend and whenever he is here he likes to help me. So we cleared brush and dead trees in the back pasture and burned two big piles of logs. Sure was nice to get it all cleared. 

Since I was busy with that, I did not do my usual post today of  a book review. But I thought I would just introduce you to some of my writer friends. We all belong to a group called Backlist Books and we have e-books for Kindle, Nook and other e-readers for much less than major publishers are charging for books. As the group name suggests, all the books are from our backlist, which means they were once published by a major house and we managed to get the rights back.

So here is a list of some of those authors in the group with links to their blogs.   There’s a wide variety of genres, so take a look at them and see if there’s anything to your taste. 

Doranna Durgin,

Marsha Canham,

Jacqueline Lichtenberg,

Jeffrey A. Carver,

Jill Metcalf,

Terry Odell,

Patricia Rice,

Pati Nagle,

Lorraine Bartlett or Lorna Barrett,

Karen Ranney,

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7 thoughts on “Introducing Backlist Books authors”

  1. Thanks for stopping by, Jemi. I’ve read two of Terry’s book so far, and they are great. What I really like about this group of writers is the variety of work available. I’ve been introduced to some genres I’ve never read before.

  2. Glad you found the list helpful. I wish I could say I came up with the idea all by myself, but another Backlist Books author had posted a list on his blog and I thought it was a great idea. Anything that saves search time is something I appreciate.

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